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Posts posted by Buell

  1. You don't have to state you views John, I already know that your an elitist a**hole cubicle carver. Shall I share some of your recent emails for confirmation?:eek: Ride what you like, if it happens to be a 12 year old race stocker from Burton or a new fangled metal offering from Donek, Prior, Coiler ect ect who cares? Mabey for you John, the ease of rideability of new tech will help offest your meager riding skills and help you ride like a champ rather than a chump.

    Think Snow!

    It is a good thing you don’t have any issues snowman. :confused:

    Where does this end? I happened to see the long and absolutely insane rant you posted against Beckman a few weeks back, before it was all deleted by the mods.

    I know John a bit. He is a good guy. Smart and opinionated, not elitist. He has newer but not new gear. He rides quite a few days a year. Oh, and I don’t think he spends much time in a cubical.

    Hopefully the mods clean up your mess again and we can get back to this good thread.

  2. Buell, That is a sweet ride! Looks like a real versatile shape. Enjoy your winter up in Utah! Haven't been up to Powder Mtn in about 10 years - love that place. Take care, Tom

    Thanks Tom.

    Powder Mountain is pretty far from Japan. You may not recognize it now. Lots of changes.

  3. I need to take a shot of one of my Woodies and post it, good idea Buell!!!

    I really like the Pure Carves because they are actually the core of the board, not a thin veneer wood (or fake wood) topsheet. Post them up!

  4. We come to Bachelor sometimes in the spring to carve. We can let you know if we are coming over. We almost always ride with Don Richter (noschoolrider) and Etsu Toyoda (lurker ;)). If you don't know him, Don just absolutely rips and rides most days. He is also a top notch hardboot instructor.

    The rockered 172 Tanker is, hands down, the best powder board I have ridden. Goes through trees fine for me, just not tight conifers.

    I am light though (145 pounds), if you are over 180 (170?), it will quite possibly do anything you want and still float you just fine.

    My tight tree, playful powder board right now is a 168 K2 Gyrator. Really fun but definitely not fast like the Priors or the Tanker because it turns too tight and has too much rocker. It has a great turn though and works great in chopped up snow. I usually ride the Tanker though.

  5. I have been watching the storm. We have been surfing a ton but I finally have the full on snowboard bug and cannot wait to get to Utah next Tuesday!!! And I am really tired of the rain over here on the wet side of the mountains. :biggthump

    I have not ridden the rockered Khyber so I cannot assure I am 100% correct. I am pretty sure it will be correct though. Rebecca does have the 160 rockered Khyber split and I really like the looks of it. Rockered boards have changed a lot of board comparison equations and the Spearhead predates most rockered boards (The Khyber had full camber when the SH was released.

    The 166 SH is a pretty fast board. The rockered 172 Tanker is faster. The SH does handle quicker than the Tankers in tight spots.

    I am going to offer my thoughts on the the 165 Khyber compared to the 166 SH. I have ridden the SH a lot but think the new Khyber design makes a simpler, shorter (overall length) board that does everything as well or better.

    The rocker on the Khyber makes the extra long nose on the SH unneeded. I really think the SH will get pushed around more in chop, handle about the same in tight trees, and just have more overall swing weight for effective edge (slower edge to edge and pivoting in tight spots). The tail rocker on the Khyber will free it up and give you another type of turn that the SH does not have. This and the additional taper will probably make up for the 10cm longer effective edge on the Khyber (less quick handling in trees).

    Looking at the specs, the 165 Khyber should be a faster board (more stable at speed) with its almost 10 cm more of effective edge than the 166 SH. The sidecuts are the same. The Khyber will carve better than the SH on groom.

    Whew, I am about out of thoughts and that is hard to do. ;) Back to packing.

  6. Jack - wow that is scary. Glad she seems to be ok. If she is shaken up and bruised I would let Sugarloaf pay for some med care and have her be examined and possibly even an overnight in hospital for observation. Things like bruised kidneys and internal injuries won't show at first other than just not feeling great. It sounds like she did hit the ground and deceleration injuries don't show immediately.

    Prayers and vibes for all who were injured.

    I am with Carvedog on this one. Like a car accident, sometimes the adrenaline mask a lot of pain. Some of the issues with soft tissue in the back may not show up for a couple of days or even longer.

    Discourage her from signing anything saying she is fine if the lawyers or Sugarloaf's insurance company come around.

  7. Lack of reinforcement under the bindings for hardboots is a bigger concern than a softer flex IMHO. That is, assuming the flex fits your riding style and snow conditions.

    The Cult was intended to be ridden with HB so that was probably at least considered a possibly on the Soul.

    You could always just send an email to SG Snowboards and ask them. I did that once and Sigi actually replied (at least someone saying they were Sigi at SG).

  8. They are definitely lighter than Catek OS2s.

    A couple of years ago F2 started using a 5.9mm bail instead of a 5.5 mm bail they had been using. The new ones are a little heavier than the old ones. This compares to a 5 mm bail on the Burtons and a 6 mm bail on the Bombers and Cateks. The new F2s are a little stiffer than the 5.5mm bail ones but most of the flex is in the base so they are not that different

    I am pretty sure the added flex in the F2s allows less you to be less exact with your cant and lift than the rigid Cateks and TDs since they are able to adjust more when you are riding.

    F2s do not have the adjustment precision of the Cateks but they are so much more simple. They are also really easy to move from board to board.

  9. Just to clarify. I can achieve toe lift and heel lift with what is included with the bindings

    Yes. There is a lift block that is about 4.5* of lift. There are also 4 cant wedges that, when stacked give you about 3* of straight lift for the other boot (if you do not need them for canting). I use 2 opposing cant wedges for about 1.5* of straight lift.

    Check with YYZ about cant and lift wedge availability if you need more.

    How much lift do you want on each boot?

  10. That is actually my posting on ebay i ended the auction cause i had no bites at all thats y i found this site. I had talked to the owner of a shop called alpine ski and skate next to my house and he said ask for a min of 350 on ebay.

    Strange things happen on ebay, but it is not worth anything close to $350.

  11. Yes, but if you want a lot on each foot, you will need more wedges. They are very adjustable if you use combinations of 2 opposing cant wedges for lift.

    Edit to add: If you do not need canting, you can get about 4.5* of lift on one boot and about 3* of lift on the other boot with the stock wedges.

  12. New doesnt equate with better.Especially when riding substandard local hills that only get groomed? once every nite.

    Have you tried any new gear? Maybe you have and did not like it.

    There can be a lot of valid reasons for not riding new gear. This, for most everyone, is not one of them. If you rode hero groom all the time, newer gear would have much less benefit for your riding. Poor conditions is where the new gear excels, even if the runs are short.

  13. Buell,

    Did you get your hovercraft yet? I am curious to hear more feedback from guys/gals that have ridden it and can't wait to hear how you feel it performs.

    cheers and happy holidays,


    Yes, but we are still on the Oregon coast surfing and working on our house . We will be in Utah just after the new year.

    What would you do with it anyway? It is only a 156. ;)

    I am looking forward to trying it. It is short but has a relatively big sidecut and very little upturn in the tail (cuts off 10cm?). Unlike the Fish, it has very little taper. It could be an option 420calvin. I have had both the 156 and 160 cambered Fish and the Hovercraft seems nothing like them. I need to ride it though. It is cheap too, $400 I think?

  14. Interesting thread. I've only ridden in Colorado and New Mexico so can't speak to the conditions elsewhere, but I've done a lot of tree riding on my Prior Powstick 180 (or 183?). It floats great and turns very tight. I was surprised at how well it rode in the trees... while being a good fast carver on the groomers when getting to the next good spot.

    Today was my third or fourth day riding the Dupraz 6', which looks a lot like the Fissile, and I had a great time on it. Very surfy, turns tight, in many ways rides very similar to the Powstick though I didn't think it carved quite as well. But I'm getting used to it and it might be my new go-to board when there's less than 10" of fresh.

    I had the 6' (178) Dupraz and found the 166 Spearhead to float almost as well and handle much quicker. If you rounded the pointed nose on the Dupraz, the 178 is a close match to the 166 Spearhead. I am pretty light and found the Dupraz to be heavy (they might be lighter now).

    We have owned two different years of the Powstick. The 176 definitely handles much quicker than would be expected and goes through trees easily in Utah. It is Rebecca's deep day board. At Bachelor, it would ride bigger and might have issues with its softer flex and the heavier snow on deep days. Great board though and it is a great carver on soft powder day groom.

    The Venture Storm is a great board, except, both Rebecca and I found it has too much tail rocker and it did not react predictability when you sank the tail for speed control. Not a good tendency in a tree board. It is very well made.

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