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Everything posted by carverchick

  1. OMG Gunner's View was off the hook. Al, I loved playing boardercross with you. It was such a hoot. Damnit I'm poopy again, I miss Aspen and my friends :( I see you baby!!! Shakin that ass :P
  2. You've got to admit, it was quite funny as heck....:P
  3. I'm not so sure if I'm glad to have been apart of the shenanigans this year :|
  4. All I can say it uh oh. I sure hope I'm not on video somewhere :|
  5. I was not flaming you Mr. Deep Woods, I was just making a joke.
  6. Hey Al, I resent that last remark!
  7. Awww K2 I'm so sorry you broke yourself :( I understand what it's like I was there last year. I hope you recover nicely and be prepared for next season! Stay positive!!!
  8. Carvedog, I'm sorry you won't be joining us this year. I'm pretty sure everyone will agree that we'll carve that much harder and lower for those who couldn't make the trip this year. I'll have a drink for you as well! See you next year!
  9. Damn it Eric, I was hoping we'd get to ride together this year :( I'm sorry you won't be joining us, but we still have Max & Andreas. Oh we'll try not to scare Dirk too :)
  10. While Jon will be changing poopy diapers, we'll be changing runs to leave more ruts for the locals....ROFL!!! First tracks this year is going to be hazel nutty and I can't wait. I'll be lucky if I will be able to get some sleep tonight....:| By the way, your little bean is soooo adorable. OMG I love his eyes!
  11. I will definitely like to attend the clinic for the riding experience alone! So count me in. Sorry I was being a saucy minx earlier. :|
  12. Jen, I think you, me, Allee and the rest of the Carve-babe a-go-go girls should take Alex's clinic.
  13. Sorry I was being a saucy minx. I will stop now.
  14. I think all of the ladies should take this clinic....19 hot greek guys
  15. :)Reconnect means you know, we acquainting with friends, catching up on what has happened since the last time you saw each other, etc.
  16. One week from tomorrow, we'll be in Aspen. Woo and Hoo baby! Many people to ride with, to party with and of course to reconnect with. Does anyone know if a video will be done for this years SES?
  17. carverchick


    Ugh!! I'm so sorry to hear about your injury! I know what it's like, I was at SES last year with a broken Fib. I originally fractured it Christmas 2007 and continued to ride on it, not knowing it was broken. Doctors put me in a walking boot for 6 weeks but as soon as the doctor told me I can resume activities, I broke it completely in the same spot 2 days after the boot came off. I went to SES last year and was a complete mess. I think a lot of people can attest to how poopy I was. I cried a lot, needless to say. Anyhow, I hope you heal nicely. Hang in there kiddo!!!!
  18. Michelle, I totally agree with you 150% :)
  19. Beans, Speak for yourself :P There is enough hotness with the babes I socialize with and will be hanging with at SES. Too much more hotness and we might have to call the fire department.......ooooh! Hot fire fighters coming to ummmmm nevermind!
  20. I'm going to be riding at Cascade Mountain this Sunday....If anyone is interested.
  21. I sure hope where ever we land, that they are ready for us....LMAO
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