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Posts posted by Gossamer

  1. It's always great to see you both here at Powder, maybe next time we'll have 3-4 feet of powder to play in. Kipp

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/hspJE0iPwd0?list=FL3EpoWh6qbeEw1PZvpNirlA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  2. I guess it all is Buell, I'm less likely to drown in the thin layer I ride on.

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/n-5F_7DwPpo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  3. It's Friday night and I'm thinking about what a great week I had carving with friends, I admire anybody who can make beautiful turns on slippery water. Come back and see us soon. Kipp

  4. They are the same driver, the KSC75's have a titanium coated driver. After 7 years my Porta-Pro's have great highs and smooth bass, I love letting people listen to them they always are amazed. The KSC75's are a bit harsh and I have a hard time taming the highs and the bass is not quite as "smooth/round/full" It's always difficult describing sound. I love listening to music on the hill I just pay more attention to what is going on around me. I've paid as little as 4 dollars a pair for Koss drivers (for future listening) and I get a kick out of seeing all the suckers paying premium prices for flashy colors and labels. Happy Trees! Kipp

  5. http://www.headphone.com/ is a great place to research on different types of headphones. In ear type IEM's did not work for me because of the changing temperatures on the mountain, they fit well only on the warm days. I'm a big fan of Koss, I have a behind the neck band holding a pair of speakers from some Porta-Pros that I've had for years. With a good source and an amplifier http://headstage.com/The-Arrow-Amp:::1012.html?XTCsid=1406053c0c687870663a41757992b717 the KSC=75's sound great, some like the Yuin's but I've never listened to them. Good luck, Kipp
  6. I'd like to get this thread going again, it's fun to see what everyone is listening to. I've worked my way backwards listening to this group and I haven't listened to their first album yet. Love to listen on the hill through a great little amp from Robert in Germany, check it out here: http://www.headstage.com/The-Arrow-Amp/Headstage-Arrow-12HE-4G::10144.html?XTCsid=e4cb31aa53367ae1ccc9a1943e159643 I've come a long way since my Sony cassette walkman, everyone have fun out there!

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/eRLIJCwdwOc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

  7. Sitting here watching the sun trying to bust through the clouds, went out to take this picture of a Christmas tree from 5-6 year ago that is now planted in the front yard. A white Christmas here with a foot of new snow at my favorite resort, Merry Christmas everyone. Kipp


  8. Snow is on the way Buell, I have a neighborhood friend doing a snow dance.

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/CFYjY1xW9zw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Don't mind my other neighbor passing through on her way to Florida. She does not like the snow.

  9. 1. Spend 5 hrs loading and unloading a 24 ft. truck with 50 lb cases, throwing each case on shelves.

    2. Handtruck all cases down a ramp from the truck.

    3. Wear 5 lb ankle weights while running in and out of the truck.

    4. Spend 3 more hrs in a warehouse pulling more cases for the next days delivery.

    5. Jokingly tell everyone: "Can you believe that they pay me to work out?"

    I agree with Trailertrash's kill your TV sentiment.

  10. Buell did a great review on the rockered Rad Air Tankers, even talked me into buying a RR177 Wide. I've been riding the deep Utah pow for 30+ yrs now and can say it truly is an incredible board. I'm 210 lbs and have been very happy with the effortless turn initiation and the ease of slicing through the choppy stuff. Very stable on the steep pitches, I have had plenty moments where I would have overwhelmed my regular cambered Tanker 200 and the nose of the rockered 177 has yet to let me down. It carves well but being the wide version it takes a bit of effort, wears me out fairly quick. I have not hardbooted the board, I ride a Donek Axis that does well in a few feet of powder. I found that hardbooting powder takes too much of the dynamics out of riding and I softboot it mostly. Good luck in your search.

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