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Posts posted by Gossamer

  1. i don't think we'll see an energy revolution until we eliminate the intermediary stages between generation and transmission, currently ->heat->motion->induction. obviously PV, piezo etc dont apply here.

    once there's a controllable method of going directly from generation->transmission, in other words not a bomb, then we're laughing. betavoltaics could be considered a similar idea.

    Yeah, sure, but I get better faster toast right?

  2. I use a warm wax and I carry a rag soaked in Simple Green cleaner (undiluted) in a ziplock bag and wipe the base every so often.

    Keep it neatly folded and as you use it unfold it and use a new area of the rag. Keep the base wet and shiny and zip down the hill!

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/uNXXJ0L-9yI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

    I do not work for or own stock in Simple Green, I just found that it helps me zip by everyone on the mountain!

  3. PS> Is there a chunk out of the tail of that board? Feed the poor child :)

    He has a big appetite so it wouldn't surprise me. My son can't wait to get him up snowboarding with us. The board in the pic is the Rossignol XV, Xavier De Lu Rue's signature board, the notch in the tail actually helps while hiking- works like a KFC spork. It's been a good in between board when the carving is too soft and everything is chopped up a bit. Carves real well and the best part is I picked it up at the first of the season for half price. Not sure how to embed Vimeo videos but here's a link to a good review. http://thegoodride.com/snowboard-reviews/rossignol-xv-magtek-review-and-buying-advice/

  4. One of the other message boards I frequent has a section like this, where buyers and sellers can post feedback for each other and their transactions. If anyone else likes this idea, maybe the Mods could ad a new header to the classified section, or wherever you think would be best.

    We all know Bryan is a great guy to sell to or buy from so I don't see the point. :cool:

  5. Looking good to me for your second time out. I look at carving like I look at driving a semi, ease on down the road and don't force anything. Make them turns as big and round as you can and get a feel for that edge. Put BTS on your boots if you don't already have them and enjoy every turn. Kipp

  6. infinite-guarantee.gif

    At Outdoor Research, our mission is to provide innovation and inspiration for the relentless adventurer.

    Outdoor Research products are Designed By Adventure™ and from this, we deliver the hallmark of all our products – beautiful, functional gear that works and lasts. By placing quality first, we can offer the finest guarantee in the industry for each and every product – the Outdoor Research Infinite Guarantee™.

    We believe so strongly in the quality of the apparel and gear we make that if our product fails to meet your needs at any time, we are happy to replace it. Our products are guaranteed forever, and your total satisfaction with our product is our goal.

    I've been very happy with their gear, hoods that fit helmets and powder skirts that stay put. I had one issue with a softshell and all they asked is what current model did I want to replace it with. Great people.

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