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The Colbert Report


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If you haven't seen it, check it out...he's spooffing every right-wing talk show host there is, but he does it in such a way my "ditto-head" husband isn't offended...in fact, he's laughing along with me...

Right after the "Daily Show" on Comedy Central

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Alright come on... They just like bringing it up in class. Don't be so judgemental.

There are anthropological studies out there regarding how citizens stay in touch with the politics of their nation. We looked at the case of Chile when their socialist government was overthrown (or bombed) and then a military regime was put in place. The people were so traumatized that the particepation of people in voting (which had previously been in the 90% range) dropped to I think around 60%. The entire culture shifted to consumer values radically, partially aided by the neo-mercantilist government. People stopped focusing on politics and started focusing on products. Only recently, with the new government, have they started getting out of their slump again and started being more politically active. (The article is called McChile or something like that) Kudos to the woman in charge btw.

A theory regarding the United States is that we need to somehow appeal to the citizenry by creating political parody in order for us to be interesting in politics. If professors talk about a joke from The Daily Show (mind you these are highly respected professors in the academic world) they are merely appealing to the masses. It is not like they use it as a base for their argument: thats what scholarly journals and even their own personal research is for. However, there is nothing against making a reference to The Daily Show or any other show that many students may have seen in order to bring the topic back home.

I am sorry that we aren't all Germans and don't all listen to the talk shows between their politicians and various experts or read Die Spiegel. The United States is known for being politically apathetic in the international world.

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I agree, our voting turnout for big elections is at the same level that we call suspect in other countries-apprx. 20%

There were plenty of polls during the last election cycle that identified John Stewart as the most trustworthy news source-including CNN and the networks. Like it or not, many people see the fact that he's just trying to put a humorous spin on a story rather than a political tilt as more palatable.

In any case, the Colbert Report is truly classic.

A recent funny bit had him being offered an eagle egg for adoption-he responded by offering his soon-to-be chick a meal-he chewed up a hotdog and spat the contents into a Fedex envelope!

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I do my best to never miss a colbert report or daily show. Ive gotten many people into the show as well. The first 15 minutes of each show are the best. I'm not always interested in the interviews. They make the news fun to watch. I defintly don't use them as my source for news, its just a great way to end a day or start an evening.

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funny is one thing, but if people are basing their perceptions on those shows...man that is scary.

people dont vote because it simply doesnt matter and they know it. especially if they arent buyin into the 2 party system where dissenting voices are simply squashed.

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Oh man...I watched it for the first time today. He had Jessie Jackson on and the first thing he asked him was "So, Rev. Jackson, now that we've eliminated racisim in our country what are you going to to?" The rest of the interview he was obviously just trying to get Jackson to go off, it was amazing. Best news show I've seen in a long time.


Suzuki Swift

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there are just too many good things about the show. Its very similar to the Daily Show but different in its own right. The south park last night was classic.

I'm pissed off at the guy that does chef's voice because he quit when they made fun of scientology. Its a whole drama scene that should be another thread in itself.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Everybody I know bristles a bit when I refer to Fox as "Fox Entertainment"...it's on 24/7 at the doc's lounge at the hospital.......

Lat night on the news-Iraqi soldiers quitting en masse because they wouldn't get to serve at the hometowns....as I mentioned to my hubby, did any of our soldiers mention to the Iraqis that they weren't getting to serve in their hometowns, either?

I love tar-babies....

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