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Whiteface tragedy / boardercross

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This 26 year old sweed was practicing alone at the boardercross track. He landed very badly, tried to correct himself, but he broke his neck and had several internal wounds. A tragedy. He was 12th at the Olympics this year and was placed 45 in the worldranking. My condolances to his family and friends.


Some official info of this tragedy:http://www.fis-ski.com/data/document/johansson.pdf

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It seems almost unbelievable that something this bad could happen within course limits.

Near the start of the final run of the women's SBX in the Olympics, one of the women (in 3rd or 4th place) didn't "suck up" one of the jumps enough, flew past the good landing zone, and landed on a flat spot. She was taken off the course in a stretcher, but fortunately was later reported to be OK. I don't know that this is what happened to Johansson, but it's the scenario behind all of the terrain park deaths that I know of, but some SBX courses carry the same risks. :(

But whatever the case, this is a tragedy for sure. My heart goes out to his friends and family.

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Did neptune built the course? If so, chances are it was a dumb feature and was a dangerous course in general. If not, I hope they start to tone these things down a little. I love to ride the harder courses, they are a lot of fun but sometimes they are just insane. Make them challenging but not death.

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Guest jschal01
Did neptune built the course? If so, chances are it was a dumb feature and was a dangerous course in general. If not, I hope they start to tone these things down a little. I love to ride the harder courses, they are a lot of fun but sometimes they are just insane. Make them challenging but not death.

That's a super-helpful and clearly highly informed speculative comment when it comes to getting more and better parks and courses built. :(

FWIW, it appears that he ran straight from the same point as the day before when things were very slow and no one was clearing things. Next day, snow much faster, he went way too big and pancaked. I have never seen the course, much less the condition of the course that day, but that's something that could happen anywhere.

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That's a super-helpful and clearly highly informed speculative comment when it comes to getting more and better parks and courses built. :(

Maybe so, but wasn't it Neptune who built the course that wrecked Grahame Watanabe a couple seasons ago?

The slow snow/fast snow explanation makes some sense. Anyone have any first hand info?

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Guest jschal01

Planet Snow (Neptune) has built a lot of courses, the point being?

My point is that this was a real tragedy, and I certainly don't have first hand info myself though second-hand hearsay is the slow snow/fast snow explanation. First, RIP, and my condolences to his family & friends. Second, rampant speculation helps no one. If someone wants to start a separate thread about preferences in BX course design and state what they like and don't like, fine. If they want to in essence state that they don't even know if it was a Planet Snow course, but that, if it were to have been, that they then think that it probably was a course design issue, let's just say I don't think that contributes in a constructive way.

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That's a super-helpful and clearly highly informed speculative comment when it comes to getting more and better parks and courses built. :(

FWIW, it appears that he ran straight from the same point as the day before when things were very slow and no one was clearing things. Next day, snow much faster, he went way too big and pancaked. I have never seen the course, much less the condition of the course that day, but that's something that could happen anywhere.

Not the place for this, but it was a Neptune course and after the first day of training they had to change many features, because they were either deemed unsafe or didn't flow.

A true tragady, but this isn't the first fatality in a world cup event. I hope we can learn something when things settle down that will help avoid these things in the future.

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