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Latest "TINKLER" out of the presses!

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there are so many ways to use radials and taper adding mathmatical sidecuts into the build is more than I care for

I'm curious because I'd like to get a better understanding of what differences all those things cause. I rode the zylon Virus at SES, very much enjoyed the ride, but wanted to understand how the elliptical sidecut related to my ride experience and what kind of things I could do better on a board like that... 2-3 runs weren't enough for me to tell.

A while back I read a thread on the EC site about this, time to re-read it a few more times now:


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Nice looking board- looks like what Anton Pogue had been trying to achieve with his Tinkler GS Board.

Is the top plate titanal? How is the flex of this thing- compared to say a coiler race carve or donek GS board?

I believe there are a number of similarities with Anton's board.

Plenty of differences too.

Yes, actually it is the bottom of the "Plate" is Titanal.

The flex can be what ever you order from Mike.

My instructions for this 185cm were somewhat out of the normal range.


Over the years I have come to enjoy very stiff boards. I know

that this is not the most popular request and I don't recommend

it to other riders. Just what I like , along with 15 Meter SCR

and lots of camber. This doesn't make the boards particularly friendly on the

flats or in lift lines, but that is a welcome trade off for boards with incredible edge hold, lively pop, and power that just won't be tapped out.

(I am speaking in general, not a specific board brand)

Both of the boards you mention are also customs ?

You would probably have to ride all the above boards to compare.

I have , and all the boards mentioned ride very , VERY well.

The differences are subjective and I am not sure I care to try to

explain my personal observations. Too many variables to be fair.

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Very pretty :)

I noticed on your gallery that this board has an anti-progressive sidecut -- what does that mean? I'm not really 100% sure on what a progressive sidecut is either. Could someone enlighten me please?


It may not have been the best choice of terms. In speaking with Mike recently, he said "Anti Progressive" can be confusing. Since "Progressive" could mean progressively smaller or progressively larger scr. "Anti" would be commonly understood as the opposite. This could of course be debated for hours by those much more willing to do so than I.

I have to agree with Mike Tovino. SCR , It is a component of a system and the result is only truely known upon riding it. Let you know after I have had a day or two on it. Thanks for your interest.

PS> YES! Mike Tinkler. is in the process of probably one of the most intense snowboards every created. It will absolutely blow your mind!!!

More updates as they become available.

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Bill had driven up to get some turns in.

I think he had a good time , short of one mean "Beater".

I thought I was going to have to call 911 , instead he just brushed off and

road away. Tough guy!! Good time!!

We should just call him "Lucky".

He won a new board at SES too! :biggthump

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