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CANADA buying and shipping to US.


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I dunno...if they used a packing place those places jack up the prices horribly.

anyway...if it was scanned 1/5 in Redmond then honestly you need to slow down just a bit cuz thats only 4 days ago and youre much further east than that. Packages coming from Canada can take their time sometimes. how do you know its lost?

I think it is lost because UPS told me that is what the situation was on the phone today. They just can't (or won't) do anything about it until the "delivery day" (1-10-06) has passed. They said it should have been scanned numerous times since 1-5 and they now do not know where it is...i.e. it's lost.

Like I said "Keeping fingers crossed it will show up somehow, in one piece".

And yes, I've seen "packaging services" gouge the heck out of customers, but the shipping was only $39CDN so who knows. Thanks for the help, and the encouragement though you guys - my life's been a little messed up lately and I'm cranky and just don't need more bad news. Four of my six USASA Nationals qualifier races are this coming weekend and I'd hoped to have a new ride before then, so I don't have to ride the unpredictable Proton noodle!

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I think it is lost because UPS told me that is what the situation was on the phone today. They just can't (or won't) do anything about it until the "delivery day" (1-10-06) has passed. They said it should have been scanned numerous times since 1-5 and they now do not know where it is...i.e. it's lost.

Like I said "Keeping fingers crossed it will show up somehow, in one piece".

And yes, I've seen "packaging services" gouge the heck out of customers, but the shipping was only $39CDN so who knows. Thanks for the help, and the encouragement though you guys - my life's been a little messed up lately and I'm cranky and just don't need more bad news. Four of my six USASA Nationals qualifier races are this coming weekend and I'd hoped to have a new ride before then, so I don't have to ride the unpredictable Proton noodle!

D-Sub's advice is good. Slow down, they often "Loose" packages in their own systems, let alone when it moves from one country and shipper to the next. I watched one board go from Utah, to Oregon, back to the East coast , then back again. 3 weeks total transit time! I have had packages completely dissappear on the tracking system (or never show up in the first place) only to arrive on time. If it gets "Skipped" somewhere along the line this can happen. Focus on those things you CAN do to settle things down in your world and race with the best you have. If it was easy, everyone would be a champion!! I wish you the best of luck. I believe your board will show up just in time for a few test runs and you will do well!

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...combine lameness and ineptness by others, with someone who is acutely focused and on top of things, and you get stress. If I can (and have to) beat 'em this weekend on the Proton, I should be able to KILL them on the new rides. Boy do I long for a powder day soon (39 degrees again today Boooo!) to get some relaxed and enjoyable riding in. It's not that I don't totally dig racing...it just takes a lot of focused intensity and it's nice to remember that playtime on the board is fun too!

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Shipped a small box of Intec parts to Toronto from Vermont on 12-21-05 by "air post" (promised delivery in 5-7 days...must have a slow airplane). The guy just recieved them today - 20 days later. So much for USPS being better than the others...at least they got there though.

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the seller should not be collecting provincial or federal taxes when selling to someone out of country. he merely has to keep records of the shipment to prove the goods left the province (therefore no provincial tax) and the goods left the country (therefore no federal tax).

Hmmm. Just had a board arrive yesterday that I ordered from a shop in Quebec. Looking back on e-mail communications, the guy charged me $37 and change (CAD) in taxes and $53 (CAD) shipping. About $90 total.

Got a VERY good deal on the board and am happy with it and its condition, but sounds like I need to contact them and have the taxes thing corrected. The shop was very good to work with and the guy seemed pretty reasonable. I may give him a call.

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Shipped a small box of Intec parts to Toronto from Vermont on 12-21-05 by "air post" (promised delivery in 5-7 days...must have a slow airplane). The guy just recieved them today - 20 days later. So much for USPS being better than the others...at least they got there though.

And now...checked Canpar tracking for my Hot from Sharks...it's being returned to the shipper because they put a regular "in Canada" ground service label on it and didn't attach any customs forms - which according to CANPAR will trigger brokerage fees. Can anyone help me figure out how to tell Sharks to ship this thing to me...Dave (yyzcanuck)??

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And now...checked Canpar tracking for my Hot from Sharks...it's being returned to the shipper because they put a regular "in Canada" ground service label on it and didn't attach any customs forms - which according to CANPAR will trigger brokerage fees. Can anyone help me figure out how to tell Sharks to ship this thing to me...Dave (yyzcanuck)??

So...called Shark's yesterday about the board being returned to them because of their screw-up. Requested it be re-sent by Canada Post, in the method mentioned earlier in this thread to try to avoid big broker fees. Was told that is what would happen, and the'd call me back before they shipped it. Never got a call so called before 5pm and got someone who said the person who knows about my order has gone home for the night. Called them again this morning. They already shipped it UPS...gee thanks a ton for the call back and listening to me about my preferred shipping method. DO NOT order boards to ship to USA from these people (www.sharksco.com)!! :angryfire

And the Prior 175 WCR titanal fianlly showed up...got home today and there was a UPS note on the door...$36.75 duties and brokerage fees owed COD, delivery attempt made, next attempt tomorrow (I work all day - not here to pay them). So, had to drive an hour each way tonight to the shipping depot to pay and pick the thing up. Opened the package - board was damaged...delam on topsheet behind back binding, scratched and scraped topsheet, dents in topsheet. Glad as hell I insured it for what I paid plus all the shipping and fees - refused delivery. So much for my dream ride. I think the seller was almost as unhappy as I was. :(

So now, I do not have my new GS board (either of them) for my four Nationals qualifier races this weekend. And to boot, it's raining like hell and 40 degrees the last two days and the snow is disappearing quick. Time to look for a flight to Hawaii - F this!!

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damn man..thats just crap luck!


one thing that worries me...the damage to the board you went to pick up...doesnt sound like shipping damaged to me. sounds more like the seller might have misrepresented? I hope that isnt the case because if so insurance isnt gonna do you any good whatsoever. fingers crossed over here.

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Gee Dave, thanks for that thought - that's really what I wanted to hear tonight...

...actually, I think it might have been like that before it got sent, but the seller sswears not, I've already talked to them. They say the board was "used once" but it sure didn't look it to me. BUT, the woman at the UPS depot said the packaging was "ridiculously inadequate" and took the board and filed insurance on it right away...I left wihtout it so I don't see how they can deny it now.

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gosh youre a snappy one. I wasnt trying to jinx you...just preparing you for battle if need be. if someone shipped you a shoddy board, you'll want to attack that situation right away. file with paypal, whatever it takes. not sure how you paid.

cover all angles, ya know? Im not rubbing anything in...really sucks youve had such bad experiences...seems like it all comes at once for some people, and there are plenty of doofus' out there who cant even ship things properly (as evidenced by your request to use canda post but they use UPS anyway)

SO...be prepared for UPS to deny the insurance based on the "inadequate packaging" (there are requirements...) and...if the board looked ridden, well...youd have to determine that, but the damage youre talking about sounds really, really severe and doesnt sound like something that would happen in shipping.

did the packaging look damaged before opening? torn? creased where the delam was?

again, crossing my fingers for you as I hate to see this stuff go sour.

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Derf - no worries man, not your fault. If I get that GD board in my hands tomorrow as promised and it's in "brand new" condition as advertised, I'll be happy. It's www.blue-tomato.at for this stuff from now on.

D-sub, I was sort of saying that tongue in cheek, hard to convey in the typed word. Paid by PayPal, seller (will remain nameless here) was apologetic and bummed that I was not satisfied - don't think it will be a problem. The damage wasn't "severe" but it was there. I have a pic from before it was shipped and it looked good then, but would be impossible to see the topsheet delam behind the binding in that photo. It was two maybe 1" x 3" areas right behind and adjacent to the back inserts that were raised up about 2-3mm higher than the rest of the topsheet. In truth, it really looked like the binding pulled up on the topsheet when it was ridden that one time. Some people have a different idea of what constitutes "almost new" than others.

The dents and scratches were minor but numerous, the titanal topsheet should have been protected from contacting the cardboard packing (one layer of cardboard wrapped in packing paper and taped). But I paid big $$$ for a "USED ONCE" ride and it didn't look like that in the pic. As far as UPS, I am under the impression that insurance has already been filed on it, but I'll check again. The packaging didn't look overly damaged, but it was such a thin layer that it wouldn't have looked crushed or torn. I'll keep this post updated for the info it holds for others who might run into this situation.

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Bravo UPS, bra-vo...promised the Blast would be here today (confirmed in two separate phone calls) so I stayed home all day because I need to pay them the duties etc. upon delivery or they won't leave the board. No board. Call UPS. They now say "it was scheduled for delivery Monday", I'm mistaken. One clerk even said "It's out of our control"...nice way to run a business UPS. On the other board (Prior) I called UPS to check on insurance status today...they said they show it as delivered and in my posession, and that I should now contact the shipper (UPS store in Victoria, BC) but they cannot give out the phone number...(anybody know it??? It's 911 Yates 185 St.)...two words for ya UPS F*** O**!!!!

Now I am out over $1000 and I have neither of the two boards I tried to buy from Canada with four USASA qualifiers this weekend. I will never buy anything from there again unless it is in person in the store. Never use UPS again either. And I'm about ready to F-ing KILL somebody!! Wouldn't want to race me tomorrow if I were you! :D

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god it just gets worse and worse.

one thing...when they say contact the shipper...Im sure they mean the individual, not the UPS store (which, by the way, is why shipping and insurance is so inflated. NEVER use those. They jack up their own prices, and places like Pack and Ship do the same thing)

really, really sucks youre going through this...hopefully, with patience, it will work out. I know that doesnt help your upcoming races, but...the main goal is money back in hand or boards, so hopefully one or the other

and, the damaged board...honestly sounds to me like the person you bought it from misrepresented the condition. "like new" is not ambiguous.

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UPS was the one that TOLD me to contact the UPS store...as far as they are concerned, the UPS store is the shipper, not A****, and that is where the insurance payment will go to. A**** is bascally saying that NONE of this is his/her fault and jumped down my throat when I even floated the idea (nicely, as in "is there a chance that...") that the delam was there before shipping. It seriously looks like the back binding pulled up on the topsheet at the inserts and it's hard to imagine that damage from OUTSIDE the packing would cause the topsheet to RISE...but I guess anything is possible. At this point I just want my money back, or as much of it as I can get. I haven't been this pissed off about anything involving snbowboarding in a hell of a long time, if ever.

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