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leg fractures


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My favorite skiier Sam(husband) recently broke his leg-open comminuted tibia-fibula fracture. God love him, in his morphine-induced, anesthesia haze after surgery was fretting that his ski boots will rub on his new plate holding his tibia together. I was gently reassuring him that we'll get an honest-to-God boot fitter to figure out a good padding system for his boot. Any suggestions?

I was going just to stop by the mecca(the store in Summit Co) unless somebody had another recommendation. FYI, we live in TX and a shop in the Denver/I-70 corridor would be the most convenient.

Needless to say, Sam will miss the season this year...

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But I only broke my Fibula. I am thinking that the plate won't be too much trouble as right now the swelling is down quite a bit and the aircast and air stirup that I am using for support dosen't seem to bother it too much. So I think if I just make a little pocket with some bootfitters foam and reheat my Thermoflex liners in that area with a heat gun I'll be set to go. I'm not there yet, gotta get the stength back in my leg and some more rehab but I think I'll be there late Feb early March. The attached picture, although not my ankle, is pretty much what I am looking at.

I am also planning on having my metal taken out as soon as I can. I am told that I have to keep it for a minimum of 6 months. But I don't want it in me any longer then I have to. I'm not a fan of metal in the human body.

What is the recovery time looking for your husband? With a Tib/Fib break I would think that it would take a while and then he could have the metal taken out before next season, heal up and then no bootfitting problems. But I'm no doctor.



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Well, Sam really messed up his leg but good-he's nonweight bearing for a minimum of 3 months-they didn't even consider plating the fibula-they were more concerned about his spleen first-got removed-then an external fixator for his leg. He had to have a free muscle flap and a skin graft to close the hole in his leg from the bone poking thru-a la Joe Theisman. And he has to be on IV antibiotics for 6 weeks and oral antibiotics for up to a year so he doesn't develop a chronic bone infection. I think the plate is there to stay.

But we will go see Larry-I'm stoked

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