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Yeah! Its Raining!

Guest Randy S.

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Guest Randy S.

Yeah! Its Raining!

It is raining at my house! This is an awesome thing. It usually doesn't rain here until October (the last time it rained was one freak day in early June and before that was April/May). Not only that but its a full-on thunderstorm. Its so cool. We don't get very many t-storms here, ever. I love them. At first I thought it must be construction equipment down the road, then it started to sprinkle and now its really raining. Unfortunately the Squaw web-cams don't show snow at the top, but I'm still taking this as a great early-season sign of more precipitation to come this season.

Let it snow!

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seen the news about SoCal? really freaky storm rolled through. CRAZY lightning, the kind you usually find in the midwest. Thunder like Im pretty sure Ive never heard it before

only problem is its a wet, sticky, constant 70 degrees. even at 3am it was.

wonder if SoCal's gonna have another wet one. as long as its cold, great!

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Guest Randy S.

Yep. Halloween at Alpine was a blast! I was so psyched they opened that early. This year I'm kinda hoping it holds off. I'll be so jonesing to ride if that happens and I'm sure the doc won't let me ride before mid-late December at the earliest.

Heck, we had an awesome powder day on Thanksgiving last year. Too bad I ended my season on Jan. 2. If the doc won't let me out in December, it'll be a whole year I go without riding. That's messed up. I can't believe I'm on crutches for the second time this year. Enough bad luck already. I need some good luck.

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Guest Randy S.

What's really funny about this rain/storm is that it'll be the number one topic on the evening news tonight. That's right folks, story #1 will be about a thunderstorm that dropped less than 1/4" of rain. Above the hurricane now heading into the gulf, above our crazy baseball teams, above some shooting in Oakland. Weird. The kids across the street (ages 4, 6 and 8) were running around outside checking out the lightning. They'd never seen lightning before.

We have the weirdest weather here in CA. Nice, but weird. Mostly its boring (sun all summer, some rain in the winter). Never cold, rarely hot (at least in my neighborhood). Weird.

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...rain good!

But I must say that I wasn't to thrilled last year when we got some early snow in September at Tahoe. It was one week before our outdoor wedding! ...not the kind of white wedding my wife was talking about. :eek:

But may be we'll get some white stuff this weekend at Tahoe - forecast for Sunday is thundersorms again! :cool:

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I've been an East Coaster most of my life doing a bit of time at Roundtop, Seven Springs, Hunter, etc. So thunderstorms were pretty status quo for me until I moved to Cali. Here in the Central Valley we're hard pressed to get any precipitation for any but 25% of the year. So when I looked outside my office and found the rain coming down and the thunder rolling I almost clapped like my 1 year old.

Randy I remember boarding on Halloween last year. It was the most snow and the earliest opening they have ever had at the local mountain. It was the only reason my wife let me get a season pass as she was not excited about always staying home with the baby. But since we could start so early we were able to get a bunch of days in over the season. Who knows how this winter will be, baby #2 is coming in March. :eek:

Can't wait!!!!!

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Congrats on your soon to be 2nd little person!

When it rains here in Portland , well it is just raining, allot :o

It isn't until mid to late October that rain means SNOW!!

Coming off a pretty dry nice summer. Rain , falling leaves, good!

Come on gray and depressing :biggthump

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