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In a Perfect World


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In a Perfect World

You have seen those commercials on TV in a Perfect World where it never rains etc.

Well with that concept in mind I would like to see someone Produce a Carving Board Video buy one of the pro’s were he or she you know never does anything wrong, you know their Butt is always in the rite place Their form is textbook perfect , & they way they move down the mountain resembles a ballet !

Granted I feel I have seen glimpse of the above , But how about a 1 hr flick of it..

We may never simulate their style exactly ,,, Because of experience or personal body mechanics, but it would give us a (Target) which we can play over & over in our minds.. Then maybe coming closer to it & at least Improving .. Which translates into more (FUN) And come on, in honesty we all would not mind being more impressive slope side !!!

I enjoy the diversity of our snow board videos, Its very enjoyable! But you can pick up some bad habits, watching someone who might have Bad habits similar to your own! There are times I want to focus on the job at hand & be all I can be in this chosen sport !!! After all, after a while the $$$ investment in this sport as well as others Can get a little Hefty ! So why not get all the return on your investment as you can!

Bottom Line is to have Fun & enjoy what you are doing , I have found, what I feel I do well , I enjoy the most… washing dishes is not one of them !! :mad::mad:

With that said: Lets get some of these Pro’s off the couch & over their camera shyness ,so they can help us( want to be’s )

How about someone who understands & can do all those things that is described in the Carvers Almanac Giving us some Visual ads !!!!!!!!!!!!


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I think you're much better off going to a carving camp (like SnowPerformance, where they had at least one former world class competitive racer and all the staff is very konwledgealbe). You get individual attention, among other things. Another alternative which I suggest is to hook up with people who you can learn from- whether it be a local rider better than you, SES, whatever. You may have to travel.



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Guest Randy S.
Sure is hard finding carvers in my neck of the woods.

I've been to Saskatchewan. Its hard to find anyone there, let alone carvers. What's the moose vs. people population ratio up there? :lol:

There are some cool vids around. None that I've seen are instructional though.

Hiroshi had a good stash that I watched.

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I mostly dig in snowshoe W. Va. Carvers there are as rare as flies in dec. or a winning lotto ticket..

I will see maybe 3 to 4 alpine riders there a year I buy a season pass & I go a lot… out of those maybe 1 or even 2 could teach me something.. & that’s if they want to or have time ! Also the slopes are narrow & crowded , so the groom does not last long…

I will ride my Alpine stick( Hard) in the early AM Im there when the rope drops ! then Quit’ or switch to a all mountain in the afternoon

I did go to Stratton last year for instruction (nice) for 1 day a snowstorm dumped 2 ft of powder the first day I was there, & here I was with only a skinny alpine stick.. on the 3 or 4 day they Groomed again

so I had One very sweet day of instruction .

I will again go to VT this year Dec & Jan. for more instruction but I will watch the weather a little more closely This time & take a powder Board

Sooooooooo until then I would like a Pro video a cold beer & some blue ice on my Lap, :rolleyes: While I fantasize!!


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it's BArry, berry is a fruit.

sorry but it sounds like you don't know how good you have it going to snowshoe, without a doubt one of the premier resorts in the mid atlantic. come ride with us DC area riders at Whitetail (annual snowfall about 50 inches a year) and you're idea of crowded and narrow slopes (there's about 19 at this resort) may change :).



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Daneille , I will be at ses this year I went a while back when it was still purecarve (cliffdog) ran it It was great, but it was like day 3 for me on a alpine board & my ride well sucked! It was way to soft! That has changed I have good stuff now & you know how it is always l@@king for more !!!!!

Alpine ace/ where do you ride ??? I may be moving to OBX this fall/ winter In fact im packing gear (catamaran) ect. this weekend to go to Obx for labor day weekend..


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Manakin Sabot? Never even heard of that city. Whevever it is, I guess they don't teach much grammar. Here's a lesson for you. "berry" is a fruit, "Barry" is a name.

If you come to Whitetail, don't plan on riding anything too big- you won't have enough width / acreage to turn it and the human gates are numerous...



ps stay tuned for next week's 8th grade grammar lesson. Come up here to Fairfax County, we have some great schools :o

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Well its a suburb of Richmond, That’s like’ the Capitol & there are a lot of those flag’s around here

However I don’t support them, I’m from the north But they can do what ever they want

There is a street here called Monument Ave. it is loaded with civil war statutes

When ever I was confronted with that Yankee thing I said: Well I’ve been down on monument Ave.

& I have seen all those 2nd place trophies that usually shut them up However I don’t really care' but they started it !!!!

Grammar Hummmmmm let me know the names of the books you have written & I promise, I will run right out & get them !!!! I hope they are paperback, otherwise you might need to send me some $$$$

Because I spend all my $$$ on toys & vacations :0)

Have a good day berry

What size stick should I bring? Oh sorry what size Board ?? :o

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got yer G.E.d yet? :biggthump

oh you didn't know...I'm a famous author! hahah my books are in paperback :lol:


former Pulitzer-Prize-winning national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, Barry Siegel's first book, A Death in White Bear Lake , published by Bantam Books in 1990 (and reprinted by Ballantine in 2000), told the story of a community that for 22 years never stopped wondering what it could-or should-have done to prevent a small boy's death. The Mystery Writers of American made it an Edgar Award finalist in the best fact crime category, the New York Public Library picked it as one of 25 "Books to Remember" for 1990, and a panel of experts assembled by the St. Louis Post Dispatch included it on an all-time list of the ten best true-crime books.



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Now is a good time to burn a few good mental images into the brain! This site's gallery, Scott Firestone's Carver's Almanac, STOKED all provide generous amounts of what we seek. My LINKS PAGE has direct links to all of these sites and more. Style , Form and Function can be a slippery road. SES is an excellent way to expose yourself to most of the major Alpine methods. There are at least five different Alpine Styles which are distinctive. All work very well and have different strengths. Here is a Alpine Gallery of some of my favorites. Most of the photos are of your fellow BOL members. Enjoy!

Perhaps some of the videographers from SES 2005 would like to send their raw videos??? If Fin doesn't mind (I know it is not a money making thing) perhaps I can do a "Rough Edit" of the highlights and get a DVD out? It would be a great visual image source, and no doubt a few laughs too.


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Mr berry

I feel this site should be a fun & up lifting place were we can all share ideas & talk about are different interest AS far as responding to you need for sarcasm If that’s what it takes to make you happy, feel free to use my personal email as I personally prefer not to expose everyone else to the Cr*P

This is the last response to your negativity you will receive on this forum

Like I said : fell free To use my email however I really don’t have time for this kind of thing ! this could go on for ever & its a waste of energy

So lets change gears & think Snow !!!

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