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Update on 06' SES


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First of all we have concluded the final days of the 06' SES. Looks like we will be starting on Saturday the 11th and the last day is Friday the 17th. As always we'll have more information on the Session site as it comes in. But this at least lets you guys plan your days to come out.


Great news! Looks like we will be joining forces with the guys from PureBoarding at Aspen next season!

The PureBoard guys have been coming to Aspen for years now but we where never able to coordinate our SES at the same time. However, Joerg and myself agree that this coming season that needs to change :D

So it looks like both groups will be in Aspen at about the same time. The PureBoard guys will be there from Feb 5th to the 14th and our SES is going to be from the 11th to the 17th. So for 4 days both groups are in town. The way Joerg and I figure it, that might mean over 200 carvers on the hill for those days. Dear god, the ruts!

If you have not had the pleasure of seeing the PureBoarding guys in action you are missing out on some amazingly smooth and graceful turns. Check out there website PureBoarding for more information.

More information to come. If you have any input on making the 06' SES the best yet, please speak up now as we are already lining things up. This is going to be the SES they talk about for years to come!


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Fin, that's great about the Euro boyz -- I've been just missing them the last few years. These guys and girls absolutely rip, and are a blast to hang with as well. If you haven't seen them ride, it's a way different attitude and spirit they bring to the hill, both technique-wise and gear-wise... and,well,.... you'll see.

Can't wait.

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Thanks for the heads up on the dates. I'll be there if it is at all possible (and I am doing everything I can to make that happen).

I am hoping to bring along a great mate who has developed an amazing new knee brace, so with any luck, and if you are keen, we might be able to add some to the demo tent for those with dodgy knees.

As for other improvements, SES 2005 was amazing, so I find it difficult to see how you could improve it much, but go for your life!



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Joerg was one of the first guys I met at SES 2005. His crew was super friendly and quick to invite us to join them. It was fresh snow and we headed to the top for 6" of fresh dusty snow. They ripped it up on 156cm "#one" asyms. Very stylin and graceful. Recently was fortunate to have Jorg vist Mt Hood on his US vacation. What a blast! Check out the photos of that day on Mt Hood. Joerg rips Timberline/ Mt Hood 5/24

Links to videos of "Pureboarding Style"

I was having a little bit of trouble finding the videos on Joerg's site , so here is a links page to make it really easy. Carving backwards? Back flips on swallowtails? No problem. Ice , Powder, Groomers, all one board! Good guys , having good fun! Check it out. Bryan

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No, sorry to say, I did not get a chance to ride one. I am a proud owner of the first "Regular" proto type #0ne" board made. However it is really soft and really short for my 200+lbs. Jorg and I talked about getting a more appropriately sized board for me. I am more than happy to give it a go. Did you see the vids? He rips on his. This is a board meticulously planned and tested by Jorg and crew. Built by one of the hottest race board manufacturer in the world. I have a feeling it would ride well. Quite a contrast from what I currently ride, but , hey, I like to try all types of boards.

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I am guessing if you can make it to SES 2006 , Jorg would be able to find a demo for you? Perhaps order it ahead and he can bring it over for you? I hope to give one a go next year!! Carving a asym fakey , here we come!! Hey, I would NEVER have guessed I would end up in a Limbo contest either , but there I was! Right behind Mike J and Chris K , hard to believe!! I fall into better things than I could ever plan!! SES rules!! The characters definitely make the event and there are PLENTY of characters cutting big ass grooves in da snow!! See you there, I will either be on a 203cm Tinkler or a 156 Asym #one !! :)

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Dan: You better show again! You need to win another pair of TD2's :D

Jim: Will you be there next season coaching at Aspen? Would love to get you to set us a course again. Did you end up selling that Donek 210 at the SES?

Brian: I hope Joerg does bring some of "The Ones" to the event. Would love to add those to the quiver at the demo tent.

So are you studying this summer for your possible second round of "Carvers for Cash"? ;)

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