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Which Hardboots are females using?

Guest Ninjette

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Guest Ninjette

As it appears that I am slowly but surely pursuing that path of the hardbooter, I am curious to know which boots females are using? From what I have been able to ascertain, there are not a lot of females in this forum, but it appears that many of you have wives, girlfriends and/or significant female others that are in hardboots and I am wondering about their preferences. ( models, moldable liners etc. ) I have been doing a fair amount of research and I realize that there are different variables but just a general consensus would be helpful. I think an all-mountain board is what is ultimately going to suit me..... any feedback and or observations would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks in advance ....... B.

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My wife, Bonnie, is getting into hardbooting. Here is what she has:

Boots - Raichle SB 225 w/ tongues from a 224, size 23 MP, with Thermoflex liners and Superfeet insoles.

Bindings - TD2 SI w/ soft e-rings

Boards - Coiler FC 165, waist widened to 17.6 cm, built to her weight; Nitro GTX 154 w/ about an 18.5 cmn waist.

She still rides soft boots whenever there is good snow off-piste. The really digs the Coiler, and uses the Nitro only when cover is too thin for taking out her Coiler. She says her boots are "just as comfy as her softies".

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Boots: Raichle SB 225's w/ soft tounges, non-thermo liners.

Bindings: Burton Carriers (she's got small feet and these adjust to a real short length)

Board: Burton Speed 149cm

My gf is a softbooter through and through and is only trying hardbooting becuase of me but she seems to like her gear. Her boots fit ok although I'm wondering if she'd like the lemans a little better especially since they'd be a little more forgiving. She has small feet and 225s were on sale here at bomber so I couldn't pass it up. I can only bet that most women on this forum or wives or gf's of the guys on this forum use Raichle/Deeluxe. Maybe some burton users out there too.

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Originally posted by Scorpio

Boots: Raichle SB 225's w/ soft tounges, non-thermo liners.


Her boots fit ok although I'm wondering if she'd like the lemans a little better especially since they'd be a little more forgiving. She has small feet and 225s were on sale here at bomber so I couldn't pass it up.

Scorpio, is she using the softer of the two sets of tongues that comes with the 225s, or did you buy ones that are softer yet?


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Guest Randy S.


Try emailing Phil Fell. He's got an entire Harem of hot women riders on his team. They range is size and age and I'm sure he could shed some light on the subject.

Oh, and welcome!

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Ive got a six pack of Bridgeport Blackstrap Stout I can offer!


as far as I know there;s only one current "womens hardboot" the Deeluxe Spa Lady, but something tells me that theres nothing specific about it, just the name and label.

a lighter less aggressive rider would likely want the softest hardboot they could find, no?

heck...Ive taken to riding with my boots in walk mode lately, at all times, and feel a LOT better, so I guess Im riding softer now too?

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My wife rides in Raichle 324's (now the Suzuka? ask Fin or Michelle), which are 4-buckle, with the moldable TF liners...it was the more comfy boot of the old Raichle line. She's riding with both boots unlocked at the moment; 60-degrees front and rear on a 19.5cm wide board puts her toes and heels at the edges of the deck.

Her progression of boards:

- Nidecker Rave 150 - soft, easy to turn...6 days.

- Burton UltraPrime 164 - all-mountain style of deck, though significantly softer than an Donek Axis or Coiler AM. Probably 10 days on that before getting...

- Donek FreeCarve 163

She still rides the UP in softer conditions, but she's wanting something a bit more aggressive as an all-mountain deck.

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I ride Head Stratos (25.5). Used to have the Raichle 225's w/stiff tongues. I realized when I got the Head's that I'd been riding in a boot that was a shell and 1/2 size too big. Make sure that you get fitted for whatever boot you go with. It makes all the difference. My riding went to a much better level w/boots that fit correct!

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Randys right we have some fast girlies on the team!

I would be more insterested in what you weigh, what your ability and goals are before you think about boots. you honestly have a better chance calling , Michelle @ bomber or Dave@hardbooter or my self and discussing your options and boot avalability( we are of course tring to sell boots).

Lots of women ride hard boots and we know what works and does not work. Just asking people what they or there wife or girleys rides will give you an idea of other peoples gear. But in no way can you conclude what should work for you with out more info about your self.

Call and talk to a pro about boots they are the most important peice of gear and can make or brake your experance!

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Guest Ninjette

Thanks folks for the boot info....greatly appreciated :)

As I mentioned in my initial post, I was just curious as to what other females were using. I do indeed realize that there are many other variables that need to be taken into consideration and the importance or getting the the right fit/gear for my needs and or goals...... just like doing a little ground work first....


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