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Any eastcoasters here been to Magic recently? in the 80s it was a favorite of mine but I hadn't realized that it had reopened since the bankruptcy thing in 89(living all over the world has a way of putting one out of touch). I remember it having alot of bermed turns/corners. Well that and that the face was beyond my skills when bumpy. The resort used to be very "family" laid back and quiet, unlike say Stratton...this still true?

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I've been renting a condo at magic for 6 years but I've been getting Stratton season passes. Magic is indeed open and has been for the 6 years I've been staying there. It has changed owners at least once during that time and seems to be perpetually on the verge of bankruptcy. It has not changed a bit since the 80's. It is a cool, funky little mountain and with natural cover can be a blast. It is not a good mountain for carving due to the lack of grooming. It has some really steep stuff and that is never touched by a groomer so bump skiers love it. It is never crowded, even on holidays. On a powder day it is the place to be - you can find powder all day long as opposed to Stratton or any other mainstream mountain where it would be chewed up within a couple of hours. I've become addicted to corduroy so I only go there on powder days or on holidays to escape the masses.

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