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Mammoth/June road trip.

Guest James Pryor

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Guest James Pryor

Drove up to Mammoth Sunday night. About 15min. outside of Bishop it starts snowing big time. Monday morning bluebird and over a foot of dry powder. Rode Mammoth and had a blast, but boy does it get tracked out quick. June on Tuesday was beautiful but a little soft. The grooming was epic though and Bodie was the run. Wed. was the day with just great carving. Yes June has some of the best grooming West of Aspen. Sort of bittersweet since they are closing this weekend. James Pryor

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Yes June has some of the best grooming West of Aspen.

Amen brother! STILL stoked over that place. I lost track of how many laps Bryan (oldsnowboards.com) and I did off J7 riding Deer Bowl, Schatzi, and occasionally Matterhorn! Bodie is a blast too! June is the place to bring out the BIG guns - wide, steep, beautiful groomers!

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Guest Randy S.

I hear that the US Snowboard team will be at Mammoth in May for practice. I'll post details if I hear dates. If you want to see guys/gals rip it up, go watch them. Its worth the trip.

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Guest Tim Tuthill

Jim: Will you be going up in May? I plan on the first week. Should be able to go up by mid April. Rehab is going OK, got on my bike this morning and it was no prob. Randy: I was there 2 years ago when they were there. It was fun. They could not belive 2 guys with grey hair on the alpine boards that could ride ok??? Nice bunch of young people!!

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Guest Randy S.


They are a great group of folks. Some aren't so young either. Lisa and Tyler are both in their 30s (early 30s). Next year will be Lisa Kosglow's 3rd Olympics. That's amazing for a snow sports person. She's an incredible person and super nice.

Given the ridiculously poor funding for the US Team, I suspect you'd find them psyched to take some runs with you, especially if you bought them some food/beer. Many of the US Team members have to foot the bill for their own travel, lodging, food, etc. They make very little money and sponsors are scarce in the Alpine world. They're pretty focused when they are training, but if you catch them when they aren't training, you can get some great tips. Also, just following them down the hill will improve your riding.


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James, I just missed you. Left MM Sunday PM after five days of boarding. Was comtemplating staying over two more days, but couldn't convince Erwin or any other riding buddies to come up, so decided to go home with the family. Any more trips planned? Will have at least two more months of decent riding:D before things get too soupy. Happy carves. GJC

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Yeah, after I read the Sat/Sunday forecast that the storm was going to dump more snow than was earlier forecasted, I was kicking my self in the ass for not joining Gary for Mon and Tues.

But, I really do need to conserve my vacation days because of the upcoming Indo trip:D

Besides, I got east coast style boilerplate at Bear on Sunday morning which turned into standard So Cal slush in the afternoon. Like the sessions at Mammoth were any better:D

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Call in sick for the Indo trip. The snow goes away; you can surf Indo anytime. Like the sessions a MM were any better? Come on Erwin, do I really have to anwser that?

I had several hours of untracked Lincoln Mtn on Wed AM with blue bird conditions. Anyway maybe next time I'll have to twist your arm a little more. Lower half of the mountian on Monday would have been just fine--- I know where all the caches are when its really blowing. Were you at Vans last night?

My boy was ridding the combi-bowl and asked about you. BTW email me that video of you riding the bowl. My son wants to size up the competition ;) See ya! GJC

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