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Burton Factory Prime 178cm


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This is my friend's board. He bought it brand new few years back (paid $410 originally) and only used it not more then 10 times. Both top and base are in great condition. See pictures for complete board specs.

Price is $150 plus shipping.

post your reply here, or better call Alexander directly (he doesn't have internet access) at 415 640-0833.

He also has Burton Furnace hard boots that he would like to sell $80. Call him to get size info (around 28 I beleive)

<img src="http://k.1asphost.com/spretetsky/IMG_3152.JPG">

<img src="http://k.1asphost.com/spretetsky/IMG_3153.JPG">

<img src="http://k.1asphost.com/spretetsky/burtonspecs.JPG">

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The "s" after the waist width only identifies the board as "symmetrical" as opposed to "a" which is found after the waist width on asymmetrical boards. There are no markings that would identify the relative stiffness or softness of a production board, unless it's hidden in the serial number, and you'll need Jack's decoder ring to figure that out. The preprod or demos did sometimes have handwritten notes, but that doesn't apply to "serial" boards. Better to check it out in person or get the BOBSI number.

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Guest devynshred

Hi There,

Is the board still available. Are there any damage to the base ,hard to tell from the picture. Any idea how much shipping would be to Toronto Canada area.

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The board is still available. The base has some small scratches, nothing that needs fixing. Edges are good too.

I went to ups and fedex sites; both require postal code for destination address. So if you have that, I should be able to tell you how much it would cost to ship to Toronto. It is around $30 if I ship within US.

Regarding the flex, hopefully you can see the picture with all the specs on the board. But I don't know what the 7.8 and 200s markings mean. I went on the web, but couldn't find any info on that. Sorry, and good luck.

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The "s" after the waist width denotes a symmetrical board, as opposed to "a" for asymmetrical board, it does not indicate any relative stiffness or softness. I think Klug calls these boards "soft" so that people will understand that the R17 is stiffer, unless of course it is also identified as "soft". There was only one flex of this board made, so it is what it is. I'd say that it's relatively soft, but then what do I know? Maybe I should just mind my own business.

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I noticed Chris had the FP's on his site listed as 6.4s etc. - so I wrote him and asked the following:

"Can you tell me the difference between a SOFT FLEX model and the regular model on the FP's? I'm 6'3" and 185lbs., racing GS and thinking about buying either the FP 6.4s or the UP 6.2...any help would be greatly appreciated."

Here is his response:

"Thanks for your message and support. The Soft Flex is an overall softer flex pattern, compared to the slightly stiffer regular medium flex. With your weight I’d recommend normal regular flex which is a medium flex perfect for your weight. All boards with soft flex are denoted as so. Best of luck."

So...can YOU make heads or tails of that????

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