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Did I break something?


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I caught a downhill edge 3 days ago at Okemo and did a pretty massive butt-slam at fairly good speed---it definitely hurt, but I kept going, nothing seemed broken.

Now, after 3 days of taking ibuprofen, I'm still pretty sore---right around the top of my butt/base of my back. Not standing or walking, but if I bend over (stretching muscles at the base of my back) or roll back from a sitting position, there is a fair amount of pain.

I'm starting to wonder, did I break something? I don't have any visible bruises or other marks, but this pain is persistent. Someone said if I'd broken my coccyx, I wouldn't be able to sit---so I guess that's not the problem.

Anyone else have any "broken butt" experiences?


PS - Yeah, I know---this is pretty wimpy compared to some of the epic injuries some of you have sustained! :)

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my professional medical opinion is that you have only broken your pride, and should nurse it back with cold beer or scotch...perhaps buorbon


we are people to trust when discussing The perfect carve. but I don't think any of are medical professionals...

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If it's any consolation, I am a doc and I can give you my certificate number for the Amer. Board of Int. Medicine if you'd like. My assessment is not a broken bone but muscular strain. Worse case scenario is an acutely herniated lumbar disc-L5-S1 from the location. If you are not having radicular pain-down one or both legs-or urinary incontinence, the pain will go away on it's own. I would advise seeing your own MD, though

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I had a similar fall about 5 weeks ago. I didn't notice a very small snowboarder sitting in the shade at the side of a run. I was in a laid out carve and just about to transit from toe side to heel side when there he was. I stood up and caught an edge just before I would have made contact. I did a flip over him and landed flat on my back with most of the impact across the top of my hips. It's only been the last few mornings that I haven't felt any of the lingering effects of it.

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Originally posted by skatha

If it's any consolation, I am a doc and I can give you my certificate number for the Amer. Board of Int. Medicine if you'd like. My assessment is not a broken bone but muscular strain. Worse case scenario is an acutely herniated lumbar disc-L5-S1 from the location. If you are not having radicular pain-down one or both legs-or urinary incontinence, the pain will go away on it's own. I would advise seeing your own MD, though

Thanks for the advice! No, there is no radicular pain (legs or elsewhere)...just a persistent dull ache that's absent when I stand/walk and present when I sit or lie on my back (putting pressure on the area)---so it's likely muscular strain. I'll give it a few more days and hopefully it will go away on its own.


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Ah, the CHEEK SPREADER -- good name for it!

I had one of those last year, and after I slid and finally came to a stop I just curled up on my knees for a few minutes, not sure if I just sh*t my bibs or what... Hot searing pain everywhere. Ouch! Thankfully that was my only time so far!


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