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Who is going to the carve master challenge.


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Just wondering if anyone is going to pony up a 100 dollars to be crowned the Carve Master.

Is this a go or is it just hot air. I cannot conceive flying across the country and paying 100 bucks to compete in a comp with no advertising or any legit rules. It would be cool to watch the video though.

Please leave all Pros and Cons of the comp on the other site.

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Guest Randy S.
Originally posted by big mario

who or what is CMC, and why doesn't he/she/it post here?

Ever heard of a troll? CMC has a short fuse. Many of his old posts here on BOL turned into rants and were abusive. I always thought of them as trolls, but many folks took it personally (especially those who he personally attacked).

We have lots of great disagreements, arguments and constructive criticism here on BOL. However, some people just can't resist stepping over the line and making it abusive. When they do, they are asked to tone it down. When they do it repeatedly and seem to just be instigating and creating problems, they are eventually banned from the site. CMC is the only one I've known who was banned, but there may be one or two others.

I'm certain he's a great carver and its too bad he can't keep his temper under control. I suspect he'd have some good stuff to contribute if he could.

Oh, and don't think that just because Curt doesn't post here means that he doesn't lurk. I would if I were him. You can block people from posting, but its still a public forum. It'd be pretty tough to completely block someone from viewing the contents of this board.

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