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TINKLER 201cm Photo Gallery


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Sorry, I must boast a bit here. I was riding with Tinkler on Fri. at Mt. Hood Meadows and we took a break to check out a board he had made for Ryan MacDonald. Somewhat similar to Dougs without the split and wider at the waist (21.5). Very impressive.

Tinkler is definitely got it going on. The word is getting out and I hope big success for Mike. We had a great day of riding too.

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Very cool Slopetool!! Glad to hear you are making turns!!

We have to figure out a way to bring a PNW posse to SES 2006.

Seriously good fun! We had a mixed bag of weather and conditions, and the STOKE was high!! Great group of guys that simply put "RIP". I think it would be awesome to have at least 5 -10 of the PNW bros making a showing next year. Fin and Michele (and all the others involved) have it dialed.

Wish you could have been here. Greg M made it last minute and I think he got an eye full! To sum it up "World Class Carving".

See you on the mountain in a week or two. Bryan

Who needs to be here next year?

Ed N

Mike Tinkler

Jim M


Mike Tovino


Scott P

Greg M

Mike H


Dave S

Just to name a few!!

Let's see if we can make a showing this time next season.


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Guest Randy S.

I'm really curious about this board. Doug, I'm going to have to plan a trip to Bachelor next season to try it out (this season is finished for me).

I'm curious. It looks like its an asym board because of the stix. Is that right, or are there two sets of mounting holes for the stix and you just switch sides, depending on your orientation? Is Tinkler making boards commercially now, or just one-offs for special people (that makes you special Doug)?

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Originally posted by www.oldsnowboards.com

Wish you could have been here. Greg M made it last minute and I think he got an eye full! To sum it up "World Class Carving".

I was there...I wish I would have seen you. I was so busy riding I didn't have a chance to stop and hang out. Just got back yesterday. We still don't have any decent snow so I will have to make a trip down there soon.


Honda SL90 specifications

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