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Warm winter? Want to vent?


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I'm really amazed I've barely heard anyone talking about how absurdly warm and snowless this winter has been. Yeah, I know---some of you folks got piles of snow. But overall, this has been a RADICALLY warm winter. This is backed up by plenty of evidence from NOAA and NASA...it's the warmest year in recorded history!

If you're one of those people who says "Why complain about something you can't control?" then you're a better person than I am! Maybe it's because this is my first winter ever doing a snow sport...but I've basically been irritated since November---because I've been waiting for cold and snow that's never arrived.

As I type this, it's raining outside here in West Virginia. And tomorrow's high is supposed to be 60 degrees. 60 degrees!!! In February!!! That's WAY screwed-up. I could truly cry.

So am I the only one who doesn't have all the snow and primo conditions I could ever want? Is it truly a Winter Wonderland everywhere else in the country? (Or has everyone who is a serious snowboarder relocated to those last pockets of the continent where you can count on some snow---like Tahoe!)

The image below is somewhat depressing. It comes from a website you can go check out yourself if you've got nothing better to do 'cause it's raining and 60 degrees!

NOAA US Snow Monitoring


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RT has plenty of snow so no worries. I am heading back to work tomorrow after an extremely expedited recovery from my knee and shin injury. Warm weather just means less clothing and different riding tactics. I have to light carve it tomorrow, but I can't wait.

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Come on out to the PacNW for some true lack of snow torture. Fortunately, the mtns finally got enough snow to reopen, but only after the holiday rush period was over. I just wish I could pull myself away from the desk to hit the snow before it all melts away.

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Yea, bro, its very marginal at best on Hood. I've only rode 12 days so far. And luckily my boards have only suffered minor injury by rocks. I crashed and landed on a rock one time. That really hurt like hell too. But I'm optimistic that we will receive more snow soon. But as we near March I'm worried.

Hindsight is 20/20, and I wished I was at SES, Utah or Tahoe. oh, and Mammoth too.

This week I'm getting ready to ride more since some of my moving and work resposibilities or kind of slowing down.

You locals will start seeing me around again soon. I can't wait.

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