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Junior Race Board Spec Primer ???


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Hi All

I'd like to gain a better understanding of key carving board specifications (length, radius, sidecut, tortional rigidity, etc.) and how they are varied based on age,weight, height, strength, skill level, typical snow and terrain conditions etc. Any suggested reading?

My son's board will be good for this season, but will likely be outgrown for next. So I'd like to learn alittle, in preparation. Any suggestions re board specs?

For your information, my son is now age 13 and has raced for 5 years and been snowboarding for 7. He's been on a carver for 4 years. He skied prior to that (age 3 to 7), and then switched to snowboarding. He weighs about 100 lbs and is 5 feet 1 and is quite athletic and has good stength. He races at both "recreational" and "provincial" (aka state) races. Due to weather, our 1st races have yet to be held. So we don't know where he'll rank this year. Lets assume that he'll be in the upper middle of the pack. He presently rides a used Donek (160 cm, end to end along the centre of the base) that was custom built for Mat Cloyes (when he was Alex's age/weight). It's was too long/stiff for him last year and perfect for him this year. But he's overdue for a major height and weight growth spurt.

So ... any reading suggestions? Any specific recommendations?

Any used Coilers, Doneks or Prior's out there? He sure does love his Donek!! We unfortunately can't afford to spring for a new $1,000 Cdn. plus custom just yet.



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I'd suggest talking to his coach, and then to Sean, Bruce and Chris P. to see what they suggest. They would have far more experience with what kids need than us, and you may find that there are used boards around that will work well for him.

But you said it yourself, he is overdue for a growth spurt, so wouldn't it make more sense to wait until next fall, when you know what size and weight he'll be? I know my son gained 6 inches in height and 40 pounds in weight in about 8 months. That really alters the "optimum" board specs!

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