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Seven Springs, Pa


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I thought at some point I read about a mini SES event at Seven springs,Pa. Any one have any info on something like that this year? It's been a while, but mid week on North Bowl's a fun place to trench close to home, especially since we're getting some snow again. :)


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lake erie trenchin convention

whaddya think? early feb would be perfect for holiday valley or holimont(private but open to public on weekdays) best bet (read cheapest) would be to get a minimum of 6 people together and get a condo with tix included cuz ellicotville is EXPENSIVE. theres no dive motels availible. i would also be willing to go to peeknpeek if someone could get me prices on a place tio stay (~2hr drive from b-lo) also going to holiday or holimont this mon morn if anybody interested: underdog@buffalo.com

later chris

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I Live in Waterford and work in Erie so Ill make some calls around..also I think the pknpk.com link has some links to hotels.In erie they are virtually all owned by the samwe guy so he has a monopoly on rates. We are experiencing a combination"blizzard" and lots of an on going lake effect so many times we actually get beter and more snow than holiday valley although the valley has and makes better use of their snow making capabilities, The Peak is for sale if everyone wants to go together and make it snowboarders only.............:D

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nice, never been to pknpk. lookin forward to ridin with someone other than my skier buddies and my once in a while carvin partner(wit no job??) just give me some lead time i got a weird schedule(b-lo fireman) even if its just a day trip-

later chris

ps 11" natty + manmade in e-ville! yeehah!

pps if my superbowl pools play out maybe i'll buy pknpk!

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Guest CrazyKvn

Dudes, I totally got a pass to the peak! Man, its FINALLY good to see that I'm not the only hardbooter there!! Yeah we totally gotta get something setup so we can all ride... I go to school at Edinboro University in Pennsylvania and go to the peak MWF mornings. cuz I got class all the rest of the time.... :(

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Check out the Peek N Peak home page and click on the Hotel. I think its the Marriot EXpress or something Express.they have weekday specials going on..two all day lift tickets and a room with continental breakfast (donut and coffe in a styrofoam cupp probably) for $109. thats hard to believe.the lift tickets alone are worth $70.

We have been having really cold temps. sunday (1/23) the snow was nice packed squeaky cold powder that grabs your board......I'll have to hook up with Kevin from Edinboro......:D

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We'll be @ Peak Wed. 1/26, unless it's pouring rain. Our 3 1/2 yr old is makin' turns! I'll be on skis to start her off, then try switching off to my freeride board for the first time while she skis.

If she wants to start the day at daycare, we crank turns for a couple hrs. on the old Sugarhouse/race run til about 11:00 when we get her out of daycare & onto the beginner hill. She's so psyched that she can ski without help now she may want to start the day skiing instead of daycare. Anyway, I'd love to crank some turns with you guys if your there Wed. Just look for the big dope in the Red jacket/black pants, Black Boeri helmet, wife has Navy jakcet White helmet. If we're riding, you can't miss my trenches, MASS IS MY FRIEND ! :D Hope to run into you haha ;) . If we don't see you Wed. we're planning on Sun. again, if it's not pouring.

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Guest CrazyKvn

I have a weekday pass to the peak, so if anyones goin mon-fri, lemme know and I'll meet you there! email is kminerich@netscape.net Like I said I'm usually there in the mornings til about 1 on MWF... but I can always get someone to cover my shift at work in the evenings or just skip a class or two!!

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Hey guys.... I'm in Montana so I can't visit for a trip to Peek 'n Peak.... HOWEVER, I just spent last weekend with a couple of guys from the Cleveland area that go to there. They were on vacation here in Montana and I finally!!! got a chance to ride with some other carvers (there aren't many at my home mountain.... Snowbowl, north of Missoula, MT). So, I do think there is a thriving carving community at Peek 'n Peak!


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There's always been a fair # of hardbooters around here, might have to do with our FIRM, glassy powder!;) It just seems to have diminished over the years, better softies help. Montana ROCKS!, we've been to Big Sky a couple times, beautiful place, would like to check out Big Mountain someday too. I have relatives in Missoula, didn't know there were lifts nearby. Hope you're having a great season Kathy!:)


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I teach at a place called Snowbowl www.montanasnowbowl.com

It's just outside of Missoula. Aren't many carvers there and honestly, it's not that great for carving. Most of the slopes are narrow and have wierd double fall lines. For a small mountain (in budget, not size of mountain!) they do what they can, but sometimes the grooming isn't so great either. It's a fun place to ride though and isn't too expensive! Right now I wish I was in back in the northeast. Now we have spring conditions here and LOTS of bare/thin spots... SO.... the good board has got to stay inside!

Big Mountain is a lot of fun, but since it is a resort, it's got resort prices. ($49 for lift ticket isn't bad compared to $60 at Big Sky) There are many smaller (again, I mean smaller budget not smaller mountain) places that are great too! I think there are about 10-12 ski areas within a 3 hour drive from my house.


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Hey marz, I have a 3 year old (October birthday) daughter too. I am teaching her to ski, but if she wants to, she can try snowboarding when she gets a little older. I haven't seen too many that little that don't get frustrated on a snowboard. Unless, I guess, they REALLY REALLY want to do it. Like me, my daughter is kind of whimpy so she'll have to wait!

OOPS... now I re-read your post.... is your daughter on skiis or snowboard? My daughter really needs to ski with someone other than mom. She could ski some on her own if she'd just try, but she freaks out whenever I let go of her! (sometimes I can trick her though, but I still better stay close behind her so she thinks I'm holding on to her!)

Oh yeah.... the thing at Seven Springs has already happened. It was a few days after Christmas. One of the guys I rode with over the weekend ("mellow yellow" on here) was the one who organized it.

I used to live in the Poconos (PA) area. I've been in Montana for 3 years now. Right now I wish I was back east still! Our winter out here has been odd.... sub zero temps one week followed by 40 degree weather the next..... go figure....


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She does both, Kathy. The key is having the luxury of their own equipment to play with when ever they want. Their attention span is so short at this age they need to be able to just play with the stuff indoors or out as much or as little as they want. Our daughter had skis @ 16 mos. and i got her a Chopper the following yr. The other key is non threatening terrain. Lots of play on the flats pulling her around with a hula hoop or tether. If you use a tether slip knot around the boots rather than waist or chest harness that pulls them off balance. When they start sliding on a hill, use VERY gentle slope with hoop or tether. It's time consuming with kids, I can count on my fingers the HOURS i've ridden the last 3 yrs. BUT when they make those first turns/stops on thier own it's PRICELESS. Oh by the way, she uses her skiboots on her board.:D Hope this helps a little, good luck.


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Yeah, Clara's been skiing since she was very young too. My biggest problem, I guess, is that the mountain where I teach doesn't have any daycare so I can't take her on the days that I work. Also, we have a rope tow in the beginner area which I wasn't able to handle with her very well until this year. My husband doesn't ski so if he wants to come with us on his one day off from work each week, he'll watch her some so I can make a run or two. Have you ever seen the sight www.kid-ski.com ? They have some great teaching aids. They also make something called a "paddle" which is supposed to help with learning to snowboard. It comes in an adult size and a child's size.


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hey all. i think im gonna try to set myself up for feb8-11. try for two days in that span. my girl works at a holiday inn here in b-lo so maybe ican get a discount at that hol. inn xpress. i'll try to get shred (who kinpa was wit in mont./hes a 1 man demo tent) but i know he works weekdays so weel see. i'll keep yas posted


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