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Shoulder Injury....


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Just got back from the emergency room/hospital after having x-rays taken and seeing a doctor. I hope I can finish this before the meds kick in:) I fell heelside while riding this morning because my rear boot came out of my TD2's. My fault because I hadn't accounted for the lower temps for morning riding and the bails were loose holding my Raichle 123's.

Anyway, when the foot came out I went down hard on my shoulder and immediately felt neck pain and had the wind knocked outta me. As the day wore on I could feel my neck and shoulder knotting up and being very difficult to move without some DEFINITE discomfort. The doc says the xrays show a slight tear in my rotator cuff and that I should see a specialist in a few days to make sure surgery isn't necessary.

This is the 3rd time that I've had fit issues with my 123's fitting properly into TD2 bails. I know the problem isn't with the TD2's because I've worn Nordica SBH's with the same binding and never had a problem.

So, is this a possible Raichle problem or a 123 problem? I hope no one else has had to deal with this. It scared the bejesus out of me when I felt my back boot pop out of the bindings.

Here comes the Sandman........ahh!


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Andrew is doing fine on an FP 164. Oh yeah, even he has come out of his Burton race plates once or twice using Raichle 123's.

As I stated above, my rear boot released from the binding. I would add that I was pressuring the tongue of the boot and trying to angulate with my upper body. In no way was I trying to reach for the snow. When the release occurred I simply pounded the groomed snow as I went down.

I thinks to myself that I'll be shelving the 123's and shopping for something that has a better connect point with the TD2's.


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Guest jeremiah

I popped my rear boot out of my TD1s this weekend. Coldest day of the year, and I don't think I had properly adjusted them for my new boots.

I'm not sure it's a problem with the boots as much as the setup, and I suspect that the very design of non-intec bindings make it possible for a pop-out in certain conditions. Mine happened when I hit an icy patch in a high-speed, heel-side carve. I tried to just jam the board back on the snow and stand up, and that's when the binding released. Luckily I was still on my back and was able to kick my legs over my head and ride it out without tweaking my knees. Looking at the bindings, unless they are really tight, there is enough play that going from a neutral position (no weight on the board, i.e. sliding on your butt) to a heavily stressed position to cause it to pop out in certain conditions. I'm actually thinking of going to Intec because they seem less likely to have something like this happen.

One other thing I noticed was that on my Head Stratos Pros, the front bail seems to be sitting on the first buckle, which could be causing problems.


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