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Hey Phil- Roundtop


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Good to meet you yesterday at Roundtop. I dont know if I can make it Thursday morning, having a season pass at one resort and coughing up $43 for a 4 hour flex pass at Roundtop just doesnt seem proper. If it were Sunday River, I could justify but not Roundtop for the amount. Dont wanna sound cheap but my wife and I are expecting another baby and funds are being tallied. Hope there will be a chance in the future to ride together and if you are ever in the Lehigh Valley Area, I ride at Blue Mountain, drop me a line. I usually get back down to Hburg once a month so we may be able to hook up in the future. Spoke with Ron Rudy yesterday and he said he remembers you.

I was also checking out some of your old threads and you mention The Board Room, where are they located, I might go check them out.

Anyway, give me a call (610) 349 2530 to see about getting together to ride, being only 2 days into this adventure from 20 years of freestyle, I could use some pointers.



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Chubz, if the weather ever decides to co-operate, I try to be at Blue every morning possible for fresh groomies. Haven't been yet this season, and what they do have will probably get destroyed in the next couple of days if it rains.

Unfortunately, you won't learn anything from me, since I'm new to Alpine also, but I have been told their is a really good 'Alpine Instructor' there (Marian Dziak) at special request..

E-mail me if you are going to Blue.

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No problem - I understand. I had to cut my hours at RT way back b/c I have a new addition to my family. Next year, she will be old enough for the children's learning center so I will be there all of the six days/week again. The board room is on S. Queen St. in York. It is part of Ed's Ski shop. I don't get away from RT much, because I figure if I am going to be on snow, I might as well make $$. You should come back once our superpipe is open. It is one of the biggest on the E. coast - 17' high x 600' long. It is super nice. It is always good to see hardbooters in it - so practice up.

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Chubz and JP1.... Where have you been? I ride at Blue all the time and have yet to see another plate rider this year. If either of you want to ride just let me know. I should be up first thing Thursday before the rain comes. Hope to see you around.

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JBS, I was visiting my son in Michigan for a week (enjoying the Utah Powder they got). My pass isn't good for the Holiday week, so IF their is anything left, I'll be there for first tracks Monday morning/ bottm lodge.

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I will be back in town on Saturday or sunday and possibly getting turns in on Monday. I'll le tyou guys know. I usually only go up for about 1.5 to 2 hours in the morning I dont have appointments and then get back to my home office to do work.

I'll more than likely go sunday and monday

Red Jacket black pants and grey helmet, riding a Volant


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hmmm.... haven't thought much about Roundtop in a long time! I grew up in Harrisburg and started snowboarding there when I was a senior in high school (1988-89 season). I think it was the first year they allowed snowboarding to the public and I remember having to get "cerified" (picture id) to ride the lifts. I somehow manged to get my intermediate level that first year. I think they only did that picture ID thing for snowboarding for two years?

Anyway, I had a pass at Blue Mountain for the 2001-2002 season. My daughter was just a few months old so I didn't get to go a lot, but my husband worked there that year making snow so I got a pass. AND they took kids at the daycare as young as 6 weeks old so I did get to go a few times!!! YEAH!!! (and it was free for people with a pass or day ticket!) I met a guy there nammed Timothy Burt who is an instructor. I was skiing that day and so was he, but he gave me his card. He does snowboard too, but I don't know if he does alpine or not. I don't know if he is even still there or not. Might be worth checking into.

Well, after that season at Blue Mountain we moved out to Montana where we are now. This is my third season riding and teaching at Snowbowl. Talk about shell shock going from Pennsylvania to Montana! WOW!

Well, I got on here to get some boots (3 pairs) listed that I have for sale. So, if anyone needs some boots in size 24.4 or 23.5 let me know!


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Guest Hopscotch

I'm at blue just about every day. It's easy to spot me on most days, i'm the only alpine ski patroler. I've road with Marian Dziak quite a few times, but never on my alpine board.

I saw another rider up at blue today 1-1-05(i hate this 05 thing it makes me thing too much when i write dates) that had a red jacket, white pants, orange boots, and a red board. Does anyone know who he is?

Email me if anyone wants to ride.

-Steve "Hopscotch" Hopstock


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Chubz , Hopscotch , JBS

I know this is 'last minute', but I'll throw out the invitation anyway. I plan on driving up to Pittsfield Mass, today for John Gilmore's "Get Dialed In" Alpine Snowboard Clinic (being held 7 PM this evening at Bousquet Ski Area/ See "Get Dialed In" Post on page one (1) for more information). It's about a 4 hour drive from Phillipsburg ,NJ. I will return tonight after the Clinic.

I don't know if any are interested, or could make it on such short notice, but I'm driving up anyway, so if you ARE interested you are welcome to ride along. You could meet at my house, I'm right off of Rt 22 East, about 1/4 mile from the Phillipsburg Mall. I'll probably leave between 1 and 2 PM unless I hear from someone. I can be reached by e-mail (jp-1@fast.net) or preferably because of the timing, by phone @ (908) 454-4844.

jp1 / John

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