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Yes sir, worms and politicians, similar in so many ways, don't you agree?

I almost agree... Let’s exchange the Worms with Snakes because Worms have no tongues and we need it to be analogous to speaking with forked tongues if you are drawing parallels to Politicians ... hence the introduction of a snake.:flamethro

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LOL-"Frivolous lawsuits" aren't nearly the problem certain people would have you believe. I went researching the year my malpractice insurance rate went up 300%. Turns out that there wasn't a big uptick in lawsuits lost or judgments awarded. It was the insurance industry had taken a big hit with 9/11 claims and were looking to recoup costs and doctors are required to carry insurance-a ready market for gouging.

Texas instituted tort reform about 10 years ago to "control medical expenditures related to defensive medicine". Insurance rates didn't go down and medical expenditures went up anyway.

As for government spending, when you award contracts to perform basic governmental functions to corporations who are subject to no market competition and are guaranteed "cost plus 30" payment for services that may or may not have been rendered, inefficiency is what you get. Look at Texas or the DoD....what we think of as government in 2011 is nothing more than a check issuing agency manned by "elected officials" who are essentially on the payroll of the corporations who get the contracts.

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin, RIP

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LOL-"Frivolous lawsuits" aren't nearly the problem certain people would have you believe.

here are a couple of favorites..

It would take a lot of beer to believe this guy's story. In 1991 Richard Overton actually tried to sue Anheuser-Busch for $10,000 because upon drinking copious amounts of Bud Light, beautiful women didn't come to life in a tropical setting, as shown in the commercials. Guess what Richard? Frogs and lizards can't really talk, either


In the summer of 2005, two teen girls in Colorado decided to bake some cookies and share them with their neighbors. Sounds innocent enough, but one neighbor, Wanita Renea Young, was so shocked at the appearance of two 15-year-old girls on her doorstep at 10:30 p.m. that she had an anxiety attack and sued for medical damages. She won $930 for her trip to the emergency room but was denied money for "pain and suffering." You know what really helps with pain and suffering? Cookies


In 1996 an Israeli woman sued a TV station for predicting fair weather, prompting her to dress lightly and be rained upon later that day. She asked for $1000 for her resulting sickness which caused her to miss work. We don't know what's more strange: the fact that she actually sued over an act of nature, or the fact that she won.

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I almost agree... Let’s exchange the Worms with Snakes because Worms have no tongues and we need it to be analogous to speaking with forked tongues if you are drawing parallels to Politicians ... hence the introduction of a snake.:flamethro

You make a good point senior C5!! I'd like to argue against some part of what you said, but you sir have nailed it right on the proverbial head!

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LOL-"Frivolous lawsuits" aren't nearly the problem certain people would have you believe. I went researching the year my malpractice insurance rate went up 300%. Turns out that there wasn't a big uptick in lawsuits lost or judgments awarded. It was the insurance industry had taken a big hit with 9/11 claims and were looking to recoup costs and doctors are required to carry insurance-a ready market for gouging.

Texas instituted tort reform about 10 years ago to "control medical expenditures related to defensive medicine". Insurance rates didn't go down and medical expenditures went up anyway.

As for government spending, when you award contracts to perform basic governmental functions to corporations who are subject to no market competition and are guaranteed "cost plus 30" payment for services that may or may not have been rendered, inefficiency is what you get. Look at Texas or the DoD....what we think of as government in 2011 is nothing more than a check issuing agency manned by "elected officials" who are essentially on the payroll of the corporations who get the contracts.

"It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin, RIP

And you make an equally good series of points senor Skatha! You'll find no argument from me about what you've said. Bummer, two for two. Nothing to argue about :smashfrea

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Oppps, my bad. I meant to type senor, not senior. :freak3: Sorry about that C5

No problem if the shoe fits wear it my mother used to say...

I play in senior golf tournaments and have won several and also will be a proud Grandpa soon -- I call my soon to be granddaughter " Digger " --- cuz the ultrasound pics show her in a crouch down position recieving a well hit volleyball. :biggthump:biggthump

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No problem if the shoe fits wear it my mother used to say...

I play in senior golf tournaments and have won several and also will be a proud Grandpa soon -- I call my soon to be granddaughter " Digger " --- cuz the ultrasound pics show her in a crouch down position recieving a well hit volleyball. :biggthump:biggthump

Cool! If I'm ever up your way (I need to hit Mt. Baker before I am too old :D), the cold one's are on me!

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Grass is gorgeous and soft but needs mowing. Barkdust is pretty but gets soggy and doesn't last. I have decided ROCK seems to fit my style. It is a little like primer in auto body work, it covers the flaws well and looks more presentable than dents and multicolored body work? 1/4 minus baby!!

Point? I miss my trailer. I need a new trailer so I can have more crushed rock.

You can rake it to look like good grooming too!! :eplus2:

Signed Utilitarian

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Grass is soft and cool and cushy... gravel is grindy and ouchy and slippery! The wife and I inline skate a lot... every once in a while I need to use grass to scrub off speed (no... not tumble onto the grass, but rather roll one or both skates in it). I have not fallen onto gravel yet (shouldn't have said that... certain to happen now!)

So OSB... what color would you paint your landscaping around your trailer? I almost died laughing when I first saw painted gravel front "lawns" in SoCal.

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Grass is soft and cool and cushy... gravel is grindy and ouchy and slippery! The wife and I inline skate a lot... every once in a while I need to use grass to scrub off speed (no... not tumble onto the grass, but rather roll one or both skates in it). I have not fallen onto gravel yet (shouldn't have said that... certain to happen now!)

So OSB... what color would you paint your landscaping around your trailer? I almost died laughing when I first saw painted gravel front "lawns" in SoCal.

Understandable!! Back in the 80s I did try inline skates once. I couldn't find a fanny pack to match the neon hot pink stretch pants. I do recall that any little rock would jamb the wheels or the cassette tape would slow down and mess with my flowage. Rocks are not a fruit booters friend for sure.

It works out pretty good really. The blue juice from the overflowing trailer sewage turns the gravel a really cool blue!! I don't have to paint it or anything. Even makes the entire area smell good/better. It keeps the cats and dogs from setting up house under the trailer like they used to too.

As for the rest of the area I have tried to paint it with some of the lime green paint my neighbor had left over from painting his trailer but it doesn't stick very well? I think it may have to do with the gravel I got comes from a road way into an old transformer decommissioning plant. Something about PCB oil? Anyway, it just won't stick to the rock very well. Good idea though.

(the above is in fact a joke, not real news OK?, lighten up folks)


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