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Senator Scott Brown


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during a "rushed, non-invasive" heart procedure (in/out of hospital in no more than 23 hours to avoid insurance approval hassles) and who'll bear the financial scars of usurious "deductibles, co-pays, and denied claims" for life,

I couldn't agree more.

Hence, I've let the Dems know that I've done the once unthinkable,

(1) After more than 40 years as a committed Yellow Dog, I've finally concluded the Donkeys will never develop anything resembling a spine, so I've changed my registration to independent. (My money and effort will now go to orgs such as MoveOn)

(2) If the President doesn't bludgeon gutless House/Senate Democrats into passing comprehensive health care reform by November, I'll perform my second inconceivable act. I simply won't vote.

F em!


not voting is what the power players want!

that's one of the problems, I read somewhere that in mid term elections and other non presidential elections single issue voters and republicans have bigger turn outs in general. the thing is, single issue voters tend be republicans. usually has to do with taxes or queers.

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