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It's snowing in NJ !


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Ah shucks, it's only the summer storage wax I just scraped off the boards :( Anyway it got me in the mood :) although it may be the closest thing we'll see to snow for a while yet.

Look on the positive side though at the $$ we're saving on fuel oil :eplus2:

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Good question. I don't know why that sign is where it is. It might be that the road was a private road at one point and the sign was placed there with out the consent of the township engineering department. In any case the sign is located at the top of rt. 515 coming in from rt. 23. It is a left hand turn on the crest of the hill prior to coming down into Vernon. The road it is on will take you back into the backside of the ski slopes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seriously,this time :1luvu:. The stores are probably already out of bread and milk :confused:. Ground is almost covered, so they should be calling in the National Guard :eek: soon.

Could get up to an inch, maybe I should cancel my western trip:lol:. What do people make out of bread & milk anyway? (french toast??)

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The stores are probably already out of bread and milk :confused:. Ground is almost covered, so they should be calling in the National Guard :eek: soon.

LOL - I had to go to supermarket for work this morning. It was like the zombie apocolypse was coming. There was a mad rush for food - like people are going to starve overnight.

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