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Kessler KST 163 BX Board


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2008 Kessler KST 163 BX board. The board is like new, used 5 days total just free riding on cream puff snow. Beyond the length I have no idea what the specs are on this board. I asked Hansjurg to build me a BX board and so he did. I didn't inquire about the specs as he builds all my boards and I just trust him to know what is working. It was built for a 6’ tall 180 lb. athlete with size 10 feet. The board has Burton Elevator risers on and Ride CAD binders (last season). [/font]The board is ground, tuned and waxed. I will sell the board complete with risers and binders or just as a blank deck...either way. I am asking $750.00 for the board or $850.00 with binders, risers. I will also throw in a Burton Snake Skin stretchy board bag. Buyer to pay shipping. Any inquiries please email at Ironhorsejvb@yahoo.com, thanks.<O:p</O:p




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I know that the waist is 24.5 and that the board rips... Beyond that I would only be guessing.

I asked Hans to make me what he thought would be the best and fastest BX board based on my body type and riding style and I believe he nailed it. I try not to interfere with what he does and I do my best to avoid giving him useless input. I also understand that he is a very busy guy, I only ask that that he builds me a fast board, I don't ask for specs because honestly it doesn't matter. But Hans isn't making a thousand different BX shapes. Unless a rider is giving him specific input that might contradict what he would otherwise be building he is building very similar boards, the only difference being the specs of the rider.

If you would like to email me your personal specs ie. wieght, foot size, riding style etc... I can certainly tell you if this board would be a good fit. And in case you might doubt my sincerity or ability to remain objective I have already turned two people away because this board would not have been the right board for them. Either way I put the board up for auction on Ebay so if you're interested you will have to partake in the bidding war. Good luck.

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