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long freakin flight tips?


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oh... does anyone have any good book suggestions? i haven't read a good book in the last few years d/t studies~

"Better" and "Complications" by Atul Gawande - you're a nurse, right? You should enjoy them both.

Every time I start doubting the premed direction I'm taking I read one of them and it reinforces the decision. I think you'd like them. I don't know if they would last 13 hours of nonstop reading though.

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My taste runs mostly to fantasy/sf but the Plum series is really good. The author comes from a romance background and throws some of that in there too but it's definitely a side show for all the laughs.

A few years ago when headed to Australia I pulled a bestseller off the airport bookstore shelf for something to read and got hooked on John Sandford's "Prey" series. They're about a Minneapolis police detective named Davenport, and if you like suspense with very strong character stuff, they might be for you. There must be a dozen books by now, with a recurring cast of characters. Bad guys are portrayed vividly too so if you like getting mildly creeped out by serial killers and nasty people, you may like this series.

If you like really getting creeped out by killers, then read "Red Dragon" and "Silence of the Lambs" by Thomas Harris. Better/scarier than the movies.

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