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crap...now what?


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What I'm wondering is... what kind of crap is now finding it's way into my PC and what is being sneeked out. Since I don't do much on the PC besides email, research, BOL, other general/reputable stuff... I haven't been keeping my protection sw up to date. I'm not computer tech savvy, and so I'm open to suggestions and reccomendations about what products and freebies work well and are good values.

Mac's hardly ever get viruses, i havent had any problems with my macbook i got last year for graduating middle school.

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1)would you please stop spelling it "heroine?"

2)I'm pretty sure you are absolutely mistaken about oxy. It's stronger than morphine, and I think is actually more concentrated than heroin, AND I believe it is considered one of the easiest opiates to become addicted to and hardest to kick.

d, done both. dope is cheaper and better, oxy is the same **** as in percocet, just no apap and generally bigger dosages

AFAIK the worst thing to withdraw from is big doses of methadone, been told this by a couple on the clinic but have not had the experience. I can only speak first hand about morphine other than lower level type things from like a week of use, cramped legs, neck ache.

like candy compared to snorting dope and a joke compared to shooting dope.

even snorting oxys is sort of childs play with opiates. now some oxys have a gelling agent so you can't snort them, have to go down the gullet.

you have fallen prey to the american media, the latest scary thing, in the 50's it was pot, late 90s MDMA and meth. of that bunch meth is by far the worst but even meth it takes a total screw up to become a head, same people that are totally wet brained drunks fall into long term use of that ****.

If the kid is injecting oxycontin he's wasting money and any good junky would know better, trust me.

gonna say it again, tobacco is addictive as any of the above. just has less mental effects. It's more about the people who do these.

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you have fallen prey to the american media


gonna say it again, tobacco is addictive as any of the above. just has less mental effects. It's more about the people who do these.

you're goin quite off track here. oh well...I have nothin else to say, but your above statement was hilarious.

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speaking from personal experience with real life junkies and my own with said substances.

Rush Limbaugh might think oxy is the premier narcotic along with the rest of the american media who are still stuck in the refer madness days. Even the so called tinfoil hatters have a slant on oxy saying it's a tool of the new world order to dumb down the masses.

Say that oxy is harder to kick than to someone who does dope, they probably do oxy as well when they can't find a bag. you'd probably get a response like this. well, maybe not that bad but you get the point.

<a href="http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=3914279">Half Baked rehab clip</a><br/><object width="425px" height="360px" ><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="movie" value="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=3914279,t=1,mt=video,searchID=,primarycolor=,secondarycolor="/><embed src="http://mediaservices.myspace.com/services/media/embed.aspx/m=3914279,t=1,mt=video,searchID=,primarycolor=,secondarycolor=" width="425" height="360" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"/></object>

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  • 1 year later...

What a difference in one year!!! Things are SO MUCH better for the troubled teen. After some serious in-patient treatment in which the boy actually opened up and accepted his need for help... he is turning around.

He began to make major improvements about 6 months ago. He came with us on a family trip to Winter Park in March and was good to be around, enjoyable kid now. He is working consistently and responsibly at a nearby restaurant and fitting in well. He made arrangements and served his jail time. He is paying off his fines and working towards getting his driver's license reinstated. He attends meetings regularly. He is living nearby with his dad.

All in all, a very dramatic turn around. What better present for Mother's Day than seeing your child step back from the brink?

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