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Environmental consulting??


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This is a totally shameless plug to see if anybody out there works for, or knows anyone working in Environmental consulting, preferably in the boston area (or anywhere on the way up to Portland Maine, I go to school at Bowdoin)

I major in Environmental Studies and Spanish, and am looking to get an internship in an environmental consulting firm this summer. Specifically I'm interested in environmental remediation, but I'd like to get experience in any aspect of the field. I've been trying to get a head-start on all of this since I'm studying abroad currently, but business is slow.

So if you have any info, its much appreciated.



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If I recall correctly, these guys have an office out toward Boston way:

Tighe & Bond

They also have an office in Westfield if you'd like to be closer to the wilder part of the state.

I worked in their remediation department for a while. Can't say I had a great experience there, but it had more to do with the guy supervising my department than the company. They caned him shortly after I resigned. Apparently I was the fith guy in a row to leave the position in very short order.

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Dingbat- thank you for the company name there, I will look into them this afternoon. Can (should?) I use your name when I email?

Jack - I'll email you in a minute, I've actually emailed W&C earlier this week, so I'm definitely interested

ncermak - I'll also email you, I'd like to hear more about where you are now and Weston Solutions.

Thanks everybody!

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Dingbat- .... Can (should?) I use your name when I email?


Chances are slim that whoever you speak to would know or remember who I am, but if they do, it won't help you. My time there ended rather "dramatically", and in my wake I left an ethicaly corrupt department head's practices exposed. I heard there was a small house cleaning shortly afterward. I can't imagine anyone there would consider an acquaintance with me a plus.

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Also try Weston & Sampson (the Weston Solutions made me think of it). They are in Peabody and do a lot of Enviro work - especially field stuff.

HR at Tt in Framingham is forwarding your resume on to a couple of colleagues also since they don't have any internships open this summer (bummer).

Good Luck!

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look up the START office in Andover. it is an assigned office to a the EPA Superfund Technical Assistance and Response Team Contract. Mark McDuffie heads it up. You can use my name.

Weston's main NE office is in concord, NH. not sure if that is close enogh to boston. Also, email me your resume...

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Not sure about the Boston area... but I'm 99% sure IBI Group has a large office down there and I did 5 years remediating for them in Toronto... Check Environ and Golder too.

But really.... when it gets tho the point hat you'd rather have a root canal than write/review another Phase II.... come to the dark side... get into contracting. Big machines are so much cooler than injections.

I love the smell of modified Fentons through an Allu bucket in the (very early) morning....

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