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WTT: Coiler AM - Coiler AM


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2009 Coiler 172 AMT (Titanal), 12m SCR. Ridden 5 days. Still has protective film on top sheet. Built for about 175lbs.

Looking to trade for same board, only with the smaller 10.5m SCR.

I like arcing tighter turns and wish I would have ordered with smaller SCR.

I know the 12m is much more popular, and not as many people wanting the 10.5m. If you have a 10.5 and now wish you would have gotten the 12m, lets talk!

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I went from a 10.5 glass to a 12 metal. I can turn the 12 as tight as the 10.5. I know this because I sold me 10 to my riding partner and when he leads I can follow his line and turns very close. The 12 does want to eat up more hill between turns so I have to stay on it a bit, but once you embrase the 12 you will be happy.

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