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I'm back after 4 years off.


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Well, just saying hi, really.

Four years ago, I bought some Suzukas and TD2s from BomberOnline and a Coiler AM177 from D-Sub. I spent the winter living and snowboarding in Lake Louise, Alberta. Came home slightly before the season ended due to the horrible bad timing of starting dating the girl of my dreams four days before moving away. After a winter of Greyhound buses (sometimes for a single day off! Bus out at 5pm, arrive at midnight, leave the next evening to arrive at 6AM and start work), it got to be too much so I came back. The wedding is this fall.

After I came back, university killed snowboarding for me. Money, time, everything. Now I'm graduating in three weeks, missing snowboarding like crazy and I'm looking to get started again.

On a side note, I've been trying my boots on, and then it came to me: my shoe size has increased! My feet are now a centimeter longer than they were when I was 19. I'm just hoping a bootfitter can fix this for me - I really don't want to buy another pair of boots since I only got one short season out of these so far. I may have to buy another board though - the Coiler AM177 D-Sub sold me was great, but I've gone from 170 to 220 pounds in these four years. It was probably a little too stiff for me then - but I'm not sure about it now. Guess I'll just have to try it out, and if not, buy a board for next year.

So, hi. Looking forward to getting started again, really looking forward to trying out the BTS unit I've had installed but never used. Wanting a custom snowboard along the lines of a Coiler AM200metal sidecut12m waist 22cm. Annoyed that TD3s exist because now I'm going to have to buy some but not quite yet. Wishing soft E-rings weren't yellow but rather black.

Hope to see some of you on the mountain in coming seasons.

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I'm finished for this season, with 34 days of riding. I can't justify a day trip to the mountains on HB with my kids being 4 and 7.

If you are still in the area look me up next season.

Congrats on graduating I know what you mean about school eating up your life.



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Responses in chronological order:

My last exam is on the 21st. I think I might manage one day trip out, and that's it. Considering the use I've gotten out of the board, I'm pretty happy with the idea of using it late-season/last-minute and getting a few scrapes and some damage. Just means I'll have more incentive to buy something new and shiny.

(Right.) Thanks. I put on a little more weight than I'd like. When I was 170 and boarding every day my bodyfat was low enough that if I fell on my back I'd take kidney damage and start bleeding. Now I'm slightly heavier than what I'd like to be, but still in pretty decent shape.

Sure, that'd be great. Och, kids eating up life seems something pretty reliable. Dodging that bullet though :p


Since I'll be shopping for a new board (for the 2010-2011 season), any Western Canadian opportunities next winter to try out some of the new designs?

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Man, has it been that long? I remember your avatar.

Your boots are probably the right size now. Get some moldable liners and mold them before you go to a boot fitter.

How about instead of spending money on a board, you put the fork down, eh?? :p

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One hopes. I've got moldable liners (only molded once) so ... theoretically I can have them remolded? Tested out the custom insoles tonight, and they seem to be able perfect. Iono, do moldable liners shrink over a couple years of abandonment? Eh, if the shells are big enough but the liners not I guess I can probably go up a size in liner. I've pretty much got until next winter to sort this out.

Actually, I should put the weights down and stop. It sucks in a lot of ways. All of a sudden, you notice that your suit jacket's too tight across the chest and in the shoulders. You find your well-fitted dress shirts won't button up. You need to buy a whole new wardrobe.

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