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9am-2:30pm 17 Mar 09

One clueless gaper received a stern talkin' to from BalboaJeff, one skier was gunned down by mtnbumvbc, and Accidental Chef was taken out by clueless gaper 2. Mtnbumvbc had to visit the patrol house but was quickly released for good behavior, and AC received a scraped up arm (inside 3 layers of clothes) and limp shoulder.

Conditions were firm to very firm. Edgesets left only thin lines carved into the snow with little to no depth. It was very good!

Attendees on the day include: mtnbumvbc, balboajeff, LLR, AC, TVR, Arneburner, bola and myself. mtnbumvbc was riding his x2 with confidence and panache'(well done)

Balboajeff discussed speeds with the sheriff and believed them to be between 35 and 40mph. Scientific conclusion was that bj is correct. GPS speeds indicated that bj was riding 34.6mph, arneburner 36.4mph and myself at 39.2mph. Betcha didn't see that comin' now didja.


Extremely fun day today and thanks to all riders in attendance. Let us scribe more arcs in the snow soon.


Tae, it was a pleasure meeting and riding with you. Let us know when you will be in attendance next year.

TVR, get that boot/binding setup figured out so you can ride more.

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LCI crew -

Had a great day riding with you all. Definitely a blast. Ink, thanks for setting everything up. Balboajeff, LLR, AC, TVR, Arneburner and Bola, thanks for showing up to ride. It says a lot about our sport when a bunch of locals are willing to take time off from their busy schedules to share their mountain with a "tourist" and show him the ropes.

I'll definitely be back for some more. Anytime you guys are in Tahoe, give me a shout so I can return the favor.

Bola, I'll let you know about Eldora Thursday latest. I'm trying to move around a couple of meetings.

A-Basin tomorrow. Looking forward to it.


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How does a ten year old girl moving zombie slow come out of nowhere and nearly hit me when i'm going roughly 35 mph?

Answer , I'm traveling Pi times the distance she is. 35/3.14=11.14 mph.

A zombie snowboard girl moving 11mph in a straight line will intercept a carver going 35 in an alarmingly brief amount of time.

Something to be considered in these troubling times of springbreak.

Yesterday was a blast! Thanks to all who braved the infestation to ride and triumph over mediocrity. Mountain bum ,without your prompt this might well have not taken place, Y'all come back now ya hear.

Arne, loved the tele session at the end of the day , Viva la cross-addicted

Ink , a real pleasure as usual , AC, " every day is game day ",way to take one for the team. Bola, TVR ,LLR thanks for sharing a killer day, We did kill it , right?


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