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Photo critque por favor


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Finally, I have a clear photo I can ask you guys to critique my form on. This is my 2nd year in HB (or 1st since an ankle break ended my season in Jan). On heelside I've been focusing on squaring up my torso to the front of the board so I don't sit on the toilet. I was experiencing a lot of chatter earlier in the season but I seem to have that under control...most times.


If you stare long enough, I look like a midget :lol: I just hope it means my knees were bent and compressed. So have at it, help me get better :eplus2:

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Not bad, you're getting there. Try this as a practice drill, put your right hand on your left boot cuff on heelside. Also I would recommend turning your back binding so that it is more close to parallel with the front binding. I don't think more than 5 degrees of splay is a good thing unless you are naturally more duck-footed.

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