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USASA NM Series Call Out for Preservation Advice

Damion Terrell

Best way to get more USASA Series participation  

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Best way to get more USASA Series participation

    • Advertising (posters, radio, newspaper, etc)
    • Snow Sport Trade Shows
    • Resort Teams
    • Promo Shwag for early/pre-season event sign up

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Our series is dieing out, especially in Slalom and GS events. If we can't boost our numbers soon, I am worried that no resort will pick up these events up next year.

I know that nationally USASA is loosing numbers in the SL and GS events, and series directors are asking the board of directors if these events could be let go. Fortunately they haven't, but it comes up for a vote just about every year.

I'd like to know if anyone from other series has any experience, ideas or suggestions on things we can do to start boosting our numbers and getting more competitors. This is more out of self preservation that if we can't do what we can to keep our suppliers (Bomber/F2/Prior, etc) in business with plenty of customers, we may loose our hard boot addiction source.

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Hey Damion,

I feel your pain. I know I don't participate in the racing stuff but I'm all about hardbooting and repping the sport we love.

I think the best thing we can do is make a presense at the ABQ and Santa Fe ski swaps. I've thought about this but I personally don't have the resources or connections to do this? I would assume you would need some type of official sponser like USASA or a vendor backing like Bomber? I would assume having a table at these events is NOT free? I've always wanted to put up a table at the Ski Swap and have some videos like the Swoard EC stuff on display. I know those videos are what drew me into hardbooting and others would be equally impressed and drawn into the sport. I think people just need to be educated more about alpine as nobody down here really knows what it is. The only guys that ever approach me without confusion are previous/current hardbooters or people that are in the ski/board race scene. I met the owner of Experience at the end of last season and he immidiately spotted me on HB's which was cool!

I think having a few boards on display and a nice projector/laptop setup at the Ski Swap could do amazing things to educate people on alpine. My flame Coiler with bling-bling TD2's attacts ALOT of attention, trust me! I don't think it's lack of interest...people just aren't in the know. You know as well as I do that HB's attract a lot of attention and questions while out on the slopes. I think there is genuine interest in the sport just not enough exposure.

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Hey Damion,

I feel your pain. I know I don't participate in the racing stuff but I'm all about hardbooting and repping the sport we love.

I think the best thing we can do is make a presense at the ABQ and Santa Fe ski swaps. I've thought about this but I personally don't have the resources or connections to do this? I would assume you would need some type of official sponser like USASA or a vendor backing like Bomber? I would assume having a table at these events is NOT free? I've always wanted to put up a table at the Ski Swap and have some videos like the Swoard EC stuff on display. I know those videos are what drew me into hardbooting and others would be equally impressed and drawn into the sport. I think people just need to be educated more about alpine as nobody down here really knows what it is. The only guys that ever approach me without confusion are previous/current hardbooters or people that are in the ski/board race scene. I met the owner of Experience at the end of last season and he immidiately spotted me on HB's which was cool!

I think having a few boards on display and a nice projector/laptop setup at the Ski Swap could do amazing things to educate people on alpine. My flame Coiler with bling-bling TD2's attacts ALOT of attention, trust me! I don't think it's lack of interest...people just aren't in the know. You know as well as I do that HB's attract a lot of attention and questions while out on the slopes. I think there is genuine interest in the sport just not enough exposure.

I wonder how feasable it would be to do this across the country next fall? Like pick some of the bigger swaps in a given section of the country and have the locals sit there for a few hours... I'd be game for doing this wherever I'm at....

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I never had heard about the US ASA until I found them on the web last night, with a google search on snowboard race gates.

It looks like a good series. I may try and make one of the dates in my area (NC/VA).

I don't know how you reach folks, other than intense advertising.

That right now is sadly lacking. I'm looking at the Massanutten event in VA, GS and SL, and there is no link to further info, and there is no mention of it on the ski-resorts website. Do they really expect folks to drive (4.5 hours for me), and not know if it's really on or not....

What's the deal with the $75 fee? It seems a bit steep to make a few race dates. Is it a one off fee, or yearly renewal. They charge $25 / day to race anyhow. That can't be helping participation.


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Without a question, you need to get some certified coaches working with the resorts to build a team. Best bet is usually through the Ski School, unless you have a prgressive race program that appreciates what USASA is doing. Start 'em young, and really focus on ensuring that the kids have fun. lots of schwag is always a plus.

The ideal situation would be for you to get a program running at each of the resorts you run comps at. In massachusetts, we have about 5 or 6 qualified and dedicated coaches. 2 of us run the series, and 2 are at one mountain working together. My goal id drive a wedge between them, so they split up, and take on different mountains. The biggest challenge I have had is that I would build a program, only to have it collapse under the coaches I left behind (who don't have my enthusiasm) when I move on.


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Without a question, you need to get some certified coaches working with the resorts to build a team. Best bet is usually through the Ski School, unless you have a prgressive race program that appreciates what USASA is doing. Start 'em young, and really focus on ensuring that the kids have fun. lots of schwag is always a plus.

The ideal situation would be for you to get a program running at each of the resorts you run comps at. In massachusetts, we have about 5 or 6 qualified and dedicated coaches. 2 of us run the series, and 2 are at one mountain working together. My goal id drive a wedge between them, so they split up, and take on different mountains. The biggest challenge I have had is that I would build a program, only to have it collapse under the coaches I left behind (who don't have my enthusiasm) when I move on.


While I think you have a good suggestions you need to understand we're lucky to get 5-6 people to race much less 5-6 coaches....

Everything is different down here. We are not overpopulated. I went to a ski area yesterday and sat on the side of a random run for ~5 minutes and didn't see a single person pass by. K2 skis had a demo tent setup yesterday at the base area and while I ate my lunch outside there wasn't a single person that came by the tent. Less people means less racers I'm sorry to say. There really isn't a market to cater too. It's basically non-existent as is.

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By working with the mountians to build a team, you can capitalize on their marketing to ultimately help your series. Meet with the Ski School Director, and identify a promising instructor who is capable of coaching, and has a desire. guide them to a USASA Coaching clininic. Angelfire knows what nationals is all about; they should have some desire to develop athletes. I would reccomend starting there. I would also try to capitalize on Taos' newfound interest in the sport.

the coach needs to develop the respect for the skills that racing (even on sofies) develops in regard to riding pipe, park, and BX, and make his kids race. It also serves a a great backdoor for the kid who can qualify for nationals via the overall rankings.

When I talk about getting 5 or 6 coaches, I am not talking about alpine, I am talking about well rounded guys who can do what describe above...

our local program, at Wachusett grew from 10 kids to 50 in the last 5 years, and generates over 50K of business for the mountain (passes, family passes, coaching program, food etc...). The key is getting the mountain to support the program and the marketing so you don't have to.

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I never had heard about the US ASA until I found them on the web last night, with a google search on snowboard race gates.

It looks like a good series. I may try and make one of the dates in my area (NC/VA).

I don't know how you reach folks, other than intense advertising.

That right now is sadly lacking. I'm looking at the Massanutten event in VA, GS and SL, and there is no link to further info, and there is no mention of it on the ski-resorts website. Do they really expect folks to drive (4.5 hours for me), and not know if it's really on or not....

What's the deal with the $75 fee? It seems a bit steep to make a few race dates. Is it a one off fee, or yearly renewal. They charge $25 / day to race anyhow. That can't be helping participation.


The $75 fee is an annual membership fee. Covers USASA insurance, office staff, marketing, etc. Similar to just about every other sport out there. The $25 day to race is a race entry, very reasonable, many ski races are $50. This fee covers on hill event staff (timing staff for races, judges for HP), and any fees needed to pay the mtn for hill usage, and sometimes extra insurance.

The events usually are not listed on resort websites because they are not the ones putting on the event. It is the local USASA series directer not the resort. You probably won't find any ski race info on the resort page either, unless they are the ones putting it on directly. If you require info you need to contact the person who puts on the events in your area.

RDY_2_Carve if it really is as bleak as you describe, all the marketing is not going to help. If there are no people, there are no one to market to. I feel local teams are the best option. Teams and series go hand in hand. If the team(s) are strong then they will want to show it in competition. If the series is weak, the teams suffer because why would a kid pay money to a team if the competitons they go to are not fun. Support a local team and they will support the series. Kids talk a lot if they are having fun and it's well organized parents will put kids in the program meaning more will compete.

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When I was in Utah, we ran one of the largest USASA Series in the Nation. I'd guess over 80% of our participation came from local Teams (Park City, Snowbird, Sun Valley, Jackson, ect.) Very little came from randoms who wanted to compete. Yes some randoms would show up because they heard our Radio adds, or saw a poster in a shop, but they would usually only do one or two events, not the entire series. Teams hit all the events and keep the numbers more stable from event to event.

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Another thought to help with your coaching/program development...Pay For it!

I am looking at setting some money aside to pay for coaches education. My first priority will go to coaches who are not certified, after that, I am thinking I will also try to help pay some re cert fees, clinic fees, and possibly even membership dues for USASA and AASI. I figure that is the most fair way to help the most series riders, and potentially grow the series by establishing more programs...

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I'm starting to agree with the pro resort team ideas. We just held an event for the first time at a new mountain (not taos), been pro snowboard for a while. And I have the head of the snowboard school interested in starting a team there next year. So hopefully we'll get more people interested.

I think our big issue, kind of what rdy_2_carve is saying, is that we are spread out. Our bigger mountains are a good 2 hours away from our biggest city supported by the smallest town. I've been trying to figure how to catch the big city eye to bring their kids to mountains for a weekend of team race practice.

And of course, if rdy_2_carve ever made one of our races, he would see a ton more carvers. We even had some of the Rocky Mountain series come down to race. It was good fun.

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another thought...

Combine alpine days and freestyle days...do a double event day - Slalom in the morning, Slopestyle in the afternoon. Have registration open early, and price the event so that the slalom is almost free. once some people start qualifying for nationals in race events, when they might not have a chance in freestyle, they will be gin to focus on the races more. also encourage bubble riders to race and vy for a spot off of the overall lists...

This Saturday, we have a Slalom in the morning, with a BX clinic in the afternooon. That should get some etra kids to the event too...

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  • 2 weeks later...

These are all great options and with gaining another mountain in the series this year (including interest in starting their own team), I think we are seriously poised to take off next year. Thanks for the advice and I'll report back how the implementation of said advice goes.

In addition, I'd like to thank all of the members from neighboring series who came down to our races.

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