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Two bone head moves ......


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Started off this last Saturday by absent mindedly adjusting the intec cable in my boot cuff while on the chair. Uncontrolable laughter from the lady on the chair behind me when my board springs off my boot and hangs twirling on the end of the leash (thank god for the leash!)

Then teaching a never-ever lesson in the early afternoon, I'm showing some kids the curling up and rolling on to your back to save your ass maneuver when I skewer mine on the rear intec receiver. Fortunatley, no blood, but I had to check after the lesson to be sure. Just a wicked bruise on the cheek.

:o :o :o

OKOKOK I will dig through the gear bar and pull out a leash. I can see me doing that. And seeing how much this gear goes for,..... Thanks for teaching

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i had a gnu antigravity a long time ago (~15+yrs?). while it had pretty decent carving capability for the time (ie, was pretty stiff & had effective camber & sidecut), i was never a fan of the traditional nose shape aesthetics & much preferred a blunt nose (ahead of my time i was). so i proceded to draw a nice schtubby / kst profile on there & cut it down with a jigsaw. it finished up nicely & looked sweet. took it to baker (on a typical chundery / heavy snow day). was having a good time, though the nose hooked a couple times in the ungroomed stuff, sending me for cartwheels. uneventful in the soft snow & thought nothing of it. on a subsequent run, running fast across a flatish tracked area, the nose dug HARD (going straight, totally unexpected) & lawndarted me onto my head / shoulder, and *pop* goes the clavicle (damn those underengineered bones). i assumed there was enough scoop left on the nose, evidently not. dumb. yes, i retired the board that day.

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who rips down a blue run looking half-decent, get's to the bottom, clicks out ..then falls over..tries to get up again, boot plants on back of board, slips, on my ass again.

Becomes even more amusing for the audience when you're wearing an NSP parka.......

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I had a "soft boot dynamic carve clinic" I was running for a bunch of softbooters who wanted to learn to ride like I do, so I showed up to the lesson rondevous point and dropped in for a big impressive toeside attempting to "Circle" the group and stop infront of them, but forgot there was a race fence behind them and didnt have quite enough space to eek past the ungroomed section and just slid along the fence back uphill as if it was "intended". hahah.

Great way to meet the lesson right?

Second bonehead move of that day, took out the brand new hardboot setup on the 190 and getting off the lift realised I had no stomp pad as my rear foot squireled around looking for grip as I sat down on my arse about 6 feet away from the dump out area.

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