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Broken Boot - Help CGY/Banff folks


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So I had an epic day today at Sunshine, but later in the afternoon, something felt a bit different with my right boot. After inspection tonight, it looks like I have a crack in the shell just above the heel lip (UPZ boots) grrrrrrr. It's not a complete failure, but definately the start of a crack. I don't have much interest in riding with it tomorrow, so I'm curious as to what you folks think about options.

I've emailed Dan Yoja to see if he's working at Sunshine tomorrow...but I'm curious about my other options. Does anyone know of good boot fitters around Banff or know somewhere nearby that has hardboots for sale?

I'm here for two more days of riding and am pleading for some help/info...

BTW, if anyone has an extra 26.5 UPZ boot and is in Banff/canmore tomorrow....



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Ok so I have an announcement to make...for the first time in 18 years, I will be going out and riding a set of skiis...I can't let this awesome weather go to waste.

My wife is very excited to spend the next two days laughing at me...she's bringing the camera in order to get evidence.


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Damn, I didn't check Bomber last night. You could totally have used my Track 325's, I'm taking the weekend off.

If you want to ride tomorrow (Sat) let me know ... I might be able to throw them on the Greyhound tonight, or dig up someone coming out that way.

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Gord if you really need boots, There was a shop(mountian magic?) on on the main street that had burton bindings. They might have some old stock, Also one of the ski shops by the movie theatre had some Burton boots but this was around 8 years ago now. Might be worth checking out.

Have a great trip.


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Hi Jason, I had actually checked in with Magic and they got rid of their hard gear a few years back.

Allee, thanks a bunch for the offer, I really appreciate the thought.

I ended up skiing for two days and had a great time. It took me a few runs to get used to having two planks, but I was carving up a storm by lunch time (same body position as carving on a board). I also managed to get my intuition liners in the rental boots, thereby making them MUCH more comfortable!

I had so much fun that I think I'll be getting a set of ski-heels with my new boots and then look around for some skiis for the odd day...fun!


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