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snowmaking complaints


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I'm always amused by the way people at my local mountain complain about the snowmaking. Today was my first day out and it was no different today than it is any other day. I was talking to a guy who was was dissappointed that there was not as much snow cover as he expected. He also went on to say that although the trail conditions were in good shape now, that they would soon turn bad due in part to the way the area blows snow. Possibly to much air:water mixture. I always point to the fact that the mountain has come a tremendously long way in snow making. By no means are they great or even good at the art but certainly not as bad as the "complainers" make them out to be. I always remind people about 10 or so years in the past when the mountain would blow snow only to deter ice skating. The snow used to be so bad you could see your reflection. Being local all my life I have grown accustomed to bad and good snow days. It seems that in the past 3 years it has been mostly bad but 4 - 8 years ago there was a streak of cold winters and great snow making conditions. It's funny how there weren't as many complainers then. My solution to all the "complainers", learn to ski or ride in the worst of conditions, then it won't seem so bad and you will tend less to blame the snowmakers.

And for all terminal intermediates, "just go out and ride man" Of course anyone using this phrase must be one especially if they ride a soft board like me.

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is better than No Snow!!

Here in the southeast, we've refined snowmaking into high art. Without it, few of our mountains would have any season at all.

But let's be honest, at current tech levels, the best gunned crystals will never come close to dry, western "champagne" powder. OK, so be it! You're absolutely right, man. Just go ride!!!

Some of the world's best surfers earned their stardom learning and persevering in tiny, east coast slop. Ever try to nose ride in soupy, 5 mph mushburgers? It's damned hard!! And if you can develop the requisite fine balance, and cat-like reactions that dance requires, the world's fastest lines can be your oyster.

Ditto snowboarding. I've seen only a few of the great Ice Coast carvers, (and no BOL'ers that I know of). But I'd be willing to bet the best of 'em - even with our short, unpredictable season - will hold their own with the world's premier hardbooters - in any conditions.

'Nuff said.

May this be one cold-ass season with lots of natural. (And may fuel oil stay depressed, too.) But if this isn't the "old time winter" we've all been waiting for, here's my thanks to the tough men and women who drag those guns around at three in the morning!!

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I hear you JT! Out here in SoCal most of our resorts would not survive without snowmaking. In fact, I was skiing (not boarding) Friday on 100% man made snow. I did ride up the lift with one of those individuals that you describe. He blurted out that the man made snow wasn't as good as the real stuff. I had to enlighten him. I informed him that as long as the temps stayed below freezing and the snow didn't soften through out the day only to freeze at night that there is no way to tell the diff between ma natures offering and the manaufactured snow.

Here in SoCal when they blow snow the conditions are usually low humidity levels combined with cool temps. The manufactured snow is right up on par with the stuff mother nature provides. I have had some epic carving days on man made snow.

Our local resorts spend millions of dollars on their snow making systems just too survive. I think they have the process down well!!

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Just another argument for man-made stuff - it's so durable! Jeez, we just had four inches of rain this week, then Friday night, the guns were going full-tilt, and this morning (Sunday) was incredible! In Connecticut even. Lets not forget the cats that groom this stuff to perfection, too. It's amazing what this technology can do for riding. Now if they could only extend the season a few months - well, i guess we have longboards that help us through the long summer months...:D

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