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2009 Warren Miller "Children of Winter"

Pat Donnelly

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'tis the season

ski porn in the boston locale

TGR: Under the Influence

2008.11.14: Boston: The Roxy (Advres, VTsession, StopMakingSense, Brock Landers, johna, Tuckerman, seb01003, anby, blondie, TheWhitman, snowmonster)

2008.11.08: Portsmouth: Red Hook (schuss, achtung)

2008.10.17: Nashua: Sky Theatre (skibumnh, achtung?)

MSP: Claim

2008.10.20: Boston: Somerville Theatre (Advres, Snowmonster, schuss?, VTsession, maznarak, StopMakingSense, 2nd mate, anby, blondie, TheWhitman, Doremitemuther****er!)

2008.10.18: Portsmouth: Red Hook (schuss, achtung, 2nd mate)

2008.11.21: Middlebury: McCeredell Bicentennial Hall

Okemo: TBD

Union College: TBD

UConn: TBD

Sweetgrass Productions: Hand Cut

2008.12.09: Portsmouth: TBD

2008.12.11: Boston: TBD

Meatheads: Head For the Hills

2008.10.14: Boston: Northeastern 7PM

2008.10.09: Durham: UNH 8PM

2008.10.16: Providence: PC 630PM

Rage Films: Such is Life

Not playing in the area

Level 1 Productions: Turbo

Not playing in the area/not listed



Warren Miller: Children of Winter

2008.11.07: Worcester: Hanover Theatre: 8PM

2008.11.12: Boston: Somerville Theater: 7PM, 10PM

2008.11.14: Boston: Berklee College: 630PM, 930PM

2008.11.15: Boston: Berklee College: 6PM, 9PM

2008.11.16: Beverly: Endicott College: 4PM, 7PM

2008.11.18: Keene: Colonial Theater: 8PM

2008.11.25: Portsmouth: Music Hall: 6PM, 9PM

2008.11.26: Portsmouth: Music Hall: 6PM, 9PM

2008.12.02: Pittsfield: Colonial Theatre: 6PM, 9PM

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seth pistol


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'tis the season

ski porn in the boston locale

TGR: Under the Influence

2008.11.14: Boston: The Roxy (Advres, VTsession, StopMakingSense, Brock Landers, johna, Tuckerman, seb01003, anby, blondie, TheWhitman, snowmonster)

2008.11.08: Portsmouth: Red Hook (schuss, achtung)

2008.10.17: Nashua: Sky Theatre (skibumnh, achtung?)

MSP: Claim

2008.10.20: Boston: Somerville Theatre (Advres, Snowmonster, schuss?, VTsession, maznarak, StopMakingSense, 2nd mate, anby, blondie, TheWhitman, Doremitemuther****er!)

2008.10.18: Portsmouth: Red Hook (schuss, achtung, 2nd mate)

2008.11.21: Middlebury: McCeredell Bicentennial Hall

Okemo: TBD

Union College: TBD

UConn: TBD

Sweetgrass Productions: Hand Cut

2008.12.09: Portsmouth: TBD

2008.12.11: Boston: TBD

Meatheads: Head For the Hills

2008.10.14: Boston: Northeastern 7PM

2008.10.09: Durham: UNH 8PM

2008.10.16: Providence: PC 630PM

Rage Films: Such is Life

Not playing in the area

Level 1 Productions: Turbo

Not playing in the area/not listed



Warren Miller: Children of Winter

2008.11.07: Worcester: Hanover Theatre: 8PM

2008.11.12: Boston: Somerville Theater: 7PM, 10PM

2008.11.14: Boston: Berklee College: 630PM, 930PM

2008.11.15: Boston: Berklee College: 6PM, 9PM

2008.11.16: Beverly: Endicott College: 4PM, 7PM

2008.11.18: Keene: Colonial Theater: 8PM

2008.11.25: Portsmouth: Music Hall: 6PM, 9PM

2008.11.26: Portsmouth: Music Hall: 6PM, 9PM

2008.12.02: Pittsfield: Colonial Theatre: 6PM, 9PM


Oakley makes the shades that transform a tool


The history of our sport is missing from this list!!!!!!

Old snowboards.com, Queg, Boris, and others Join me!!!!! The youngsters need to learn their roots.

I have an old renegade copy but Warren's "Tweaked and Twisted" Is an iconic snowboard film. It is worth watching just for the cuts with the Joker (mike Jackoby) and Tara. Plus Jean nerva and peter bauer. Then there is the Russian trip and powder and the idiotic Russian lift system. And more and more neat stuff including jake burton on ancient snowboards from as far back as the 1890s.

An incredible opening act would be the original PSIA (Pre AASI) snowboard video with Tojam, and many other of the initial certified instructors that legitimized the sport. Without their dedication most Mountains still would not allow snowboarding.


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