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Who is watching 'Le Tour'?


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I know that there are a few cyclists here, anyone else tuned into the tour?? I don't have Versus' but I did find a website that has the Tour live. It doesn't have the narration of Phil and Paul but it will suffice to get my daily Tour fix!!

I am anxious to see what Lance does in the mtns. this year!! JK!! I will be tuned into what the man from down under, Cadel Evans can do this year. He has bettered his performances with each Tour he has been in.


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Wow, stage three today!

That breakaway actually worked! Did anyone else see where a bike appeared to have yardsaled after an accident? I think it was when Gomez fell.

I'm surprised Alejandro dropped the yellow though, bummer. Volvo- how can you watch it without Phil and Paul?

"The Tour de Fwance is definitewy not underw contwol by the Amewicans!"

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Watched every stage so far - today a rest day. Amazing how close the standings are after 10 stages. What is it, 10 within 2 and a half minutes?

Watching the tour was probably why I overdid my bike ride on Friday - I think I found my limit. I knew the route I had picked would be about 60 miles - which I've done before. What I hadn't factored in was the climbing. As I reached the top of the main climb (7 miles and about 1800 feet of climbing) at the midpoint of the loop I knew the home climb (about a mile and 350 feet) was going to hurt. By the time I got home I was totally spent and hurting.

I know that most of those guys on the tour are about half my age, but they are riding twice as far, climbing 3 times as high and at least twice as fast, and doing it every day for weeks. When they do have a rest day, I think they still go out for a ride to stay loose. Incredible!

- Dave

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Remember, their job is riding a bike for 6-8 hours a day

Put us on a bike with somebody else paying the bills and I think we'd do a fair job in the tour.

I got a metric century this Sunday. Katy Flatlands.....I think the title says it all.

I really haven't trained for it, but I'll survive. That's the beauty of being 40-something. Your mental endurance is boundless

My riding mantra for the weaker souls failing around me at the end of a ride

"Beer is near"

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I got a metric century this Sunday. Katy Flatlands.....I think the title says it all.

I really haven't trained for it, but I'll survive. That's the beauty of being 40-something. Your mental endurance is boundless

My riding mantra for the weaker souls failing around me at the end of a ride

"Beer is near"

I did one of these on my skateboard last month...not a planned skate just a route I wanted to try...mostly rolling terrain, it wasn't to brutal but when I reached my turnaround point I was regretting making it an out and back instead of a loop or point to point, and my feet were killing me for 2 days. Mental endurance and the thought of a cold beer in a hot tub were what I was dreaming about over the last 10K

As for this years Tour I am imressed with the route this year and how much it's made the race fun to watch

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Geez Gecko!

What deck/trucks/wheels was that with?!

Earthwing Supercharger, Tracker Fastracks, and Fishballs (lime green version of Pink Powerballs) it took me about 4 hours of skating, nearly 5.5 hours of time since I stopped to eat in Wakefield after a cold dip at Narragansett beach total was 56 miles. I skate 20 miles home from work once a week so this was just a longer version of that

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