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Slightly OT- my thumb


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fyi for anyone who cares about my poor thumb.


the surgeon has me wearing a hard plastic splint at the moment for 2 weeks, then i get to have PT on it.... i'm imagining a kids in the hall skit now...

in one month i go back and if its not better with range of motion and pain... under the knife i may go.

but for now i have escaped !!

damn splint is slowing my typing down and making my hand spread out further than normal on the keyboard though. Ow.:rolleyes:

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I busted mine a few years ago. I dislocated it first, they took X rays from 2 angles and told me it was all OK, they'd just put it back in.

4 weeks later it's not healing, so I complain loudly to the doctor, they take X rays from 3 angles this time and hey, look at that, it's broken ... except by now it's healing, but all funny.

I now have a big freaky lump in the middle of it. I hope you have better luck and are not scarred for life!

Speaking of splints, when my boss was in the Navy he broke the two middle fingers on his right hand. So they got this metal splint and splinted it all up, which was fine - except he forgot all about it, until he went to the crapper and wiped his ass ... and was forcibly reminded ... (ouch!)

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Originally posted by Speed Demon

Sorry to ask but what did you do initially to hurt it?

And Im glad to hear that you have escaped for now. :p

don't be sorry to ask...

was coming down a lovely black diamond at ECES , took a hard toe side turn and wiped out, somehow reaching for the snow or something... not entirely sure. but would up spraining it pretty bad. it was blown up pretty nasty as my condo-mates can attest.


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Originally posted by Allee

I busted mine a few years ago. I dislocated it first, they took X rays from 2 angles and told me it was all OK, they'd just put it back in.

4 weeks later it's not healing, so I complain loudly to the doctor, they take X rays from 3 angles this time and hey, look at that, it's broken ... except by now it's healing, but all funny.

I now have a big freaky lump in the middle of it. I hope you have better luck and are not scarred for life!

aside from the lump can you use it normally? normal range of motion and all? sometimes they will re-break a joint if it's not healed right.

what fun that would be! ;)

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