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"superman" on toesides


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I've read the advice of "dive into your turns" a bunch of times over the years, but it wasn't until this season that it really clicked. Here's what works for me on toeside:

First, learn how to make aggressive cross-under turns; then try the following:

- Get into a hard heelside turn, allowing yourself to get really compressed at the bottom of the turn; you should be directly across the fall line at the next step.

- Begin a quick transition to toeside, rotating your shoulders to align with your feet. I tend to ride heelsides facing forward (or slightly ahead), so I've got a fair amount of untwisting going on here to get to toeside. I'm also weighting forward on my front foot a bit to set the toeside rail.

- As your body crosses over the board, extend both arms, palms down, arms parallel to the snow. I liken this position to a little kid about to dive off a diving board - they tend to crouch down, point their hands toward the water (down below the diving board, at the water), and roll forward and down, extending their legs as they leave the board. Same thing here - you're basically pointing your hands toward the snow directly in front of you. Look at the snow right across the board, a couple feet away.

- Once the toeside rail digs in, push hard and fast, extending your legs. This is where you're really doing the "superman" move, but launching yourself downhill, instead of up, up into sky.

- Then wait for the board to come around, pulling up your knees for the transition back to heelside.

Reaching far enough, you can obviously get your hands on the snow and fully lay it out, though I'm actually trying to stay just short of that so I don't drag off speed. It gives me more of a "hanging from your feet" sensation with the board uphill, which I really love.

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It is all correct, i love this feeling too, it works wery well on steeps,

I like to lay it down all the way and lost some speed (talking about steeeep stuff) There is somthing really cool about laying down with the board behind you on downhill eage, it is crazy but you know it is going to work, board just going to ride around you.

It is my frist rule of carving: body goes first board follow.


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