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Sad now - Malcolm is gone.


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While there is no way to replace Malcolm, at least you have almost 15 years worth of memories.

Shelly and I keep telling ourselves that it was the spirits of our past dogs that kept our current dogs safe during our accident this last weekend. The truck rolled down an embankment, the topper was destroyed and all three dogs were ejected. The dogs were balled up together against a chicken wire fence. One dog had a 1/4" long cut. That was the only injury to any of us. It was a miracle! I truly think Alfred and Gracie were watching over them.

Wow. So glad you are ok. That is quite a crew of well loved, happy looking buddies you have there.

Willy is Darth Dog yours? Great to see some pics of the other loved dogs in the bomber community. Definitely cheers me up. :biggthump

D-Sub - I had seen the goggle pic of Avalanche before. that's an awesome shot and I love the one of him peeking over the table too. All I can say is the love that a dog gives us is perfect love. No mistake that dog and God are so close. Kids are the same until they get to be about 2 and learn to pout and say no. Dogs remain untarnished by humans their whole life and usually just love, love, love. You don't ever get over it, but it does fade a bit. The thing that has been helping me and my wife has been talking about all the good times he/we had. Like the way he would wake up off the cooler behind my seat on the raft and peak over my shoulder in the rapids. He would actually duck behind me if he saw a wave coming. So funny, so smart.

If I go back to the emotion I felt last week it still feels like broken glass in my heart. Malcolm wouldn't want that and neither would Avalanche. IMHO.

God bless all dog lovers, as it is part of how we are better people during our time here. Thanks again everyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dog's are the BEST. Sorry for you loss Jerry. Happy for your years of love and happiness. When I was in the Asen hospital they brought in a "Patient Therapy Dog" , he was training and he totally made my day. For a few minutes the pain vanished and to rub his head was magical medicine.

Been wanting to bring another Dog into my life for years. I think it is getting closer. Happy times ahead my friend. The stories are truely heart felt. Thanks, Bryan

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Guest GQuentin


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories. For me the only thing that makes the pain go away is to get another. If you decide to get another, please keep us posted. I would love to see some puppy pics.


(Here are some pics of our pups)



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When I was in the Asen hospital they brought in a "Patient Therapy Dog" , he was training and he totally made my day. For a few minutes the pain vanished and to rub his head was magical medicine.

Never heard of a hospital doing that - sounds awesome. Malcolm used to lay next to my chair and when his head was close enough sometime I would rub his brow and the top of his head for hours ???? I would lose track of time and it was kind of like a prayer of sorts. Hard to explain but I get it. Keep on healing Bryan - hope its going well.

GQ those pics put big smile on my face and thanks for the kind words. We are talking about getting a puppy. Maybe in the fall. My wife had a newfie growing up and was talking about that and my two girls want whichever puppy they see. We have talked about a shelter dog too, but I think its going to have to be golden puppy. We'll see how it all plays out.

Thanks again guys.

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Guest GQuentin
Never heard of a hospital doing that - sounds awesome. Malcolm used to lay next to my chair and when his head was close enough sometime I would rub his brow and the top of his head for hours ???? I would lose track of time and it was kind of like a prayer of sorts. Hard to explain but I get it. Keep on healing Bryan - hope its going well.

GQ those pics put big smile on my face and thanks for the kind words. We are talking about getting a puppy. Maybe in the fall. My wife had a newfie growing up and was talking about that and my two girls want whichever puppy they see. We have talked about a shelter dog too, but I think its going to have to be golden puppy. We'll see how it all plays out.

Thanks again guys.

Get a Newfie!!! I have owned 2 and must say they are an incredible breed.

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