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Good Book--When I was a Kid - This was a Free Country

C5 Golfer

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I Just finished this book by G Gordon Liddy. enjoyable read -- if you get a chance read it -- :biggthump:biggthump I have also read his "Will" which is one of my top 10 books of all time. :biggthump:biggthump

Many topics and wide range of discussion -one of them was about when he arrived in one of the prisons in which he was incarcerated. There were a few too many new inmates - around 90 of them - so the bunks were triple stacked to help with the overcrowding. He explained that the sleeping areas were not the problem/issue but the sink and toilets were not enough to go around and since everyone ate and slept at the same time - most of the new inmates needed a toilet about the same time. At this time he was needed in the office area for his typing and linguistic skills of which most other inmates did not possess. He figured a away to ensure toilet time for him personally by typing a fake memo from the warden and posting it for all to read. It stated that there is a widespread outbreak of venereal disease among new inmates and this must stop immediately. From this day forward a special dedicated toilet will be posted with a sign on it that says “VD Only” – he posted the sign and from that day forward he had his very own private toilet. Liddy is quite a man’s man!!!!

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