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Jail time and lashes for you!

Guest KrudKarver

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I swear some of the stuff that comes up on this site.

faith should be a personal choice exhibited to others by your actions not your words.

If we could all be satisfied with the task of saving our own souls we wouldn't have to fight over everyone elses.

" ..........something about .......a beam in your own eye:freak3:

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To play devil's advocate, I'll point out that she was a guest in this country (Sudan) and she should have been aware of the local customs and laws.

What do you think of this man's transgressions?


Are Thais a**holes and ***kers and whatever else Muslims have been called in this thread?

I'm calling them *******s and ****ers because they are calling for the death of a teacher who allowed her students to name a teddy bear Mohammed. If there are Thais in thailand calling for that man's death, then they are *******s and ****ers as well. Not thais as a society, just the ones that are being *******s and ****ers. Same goes for the muslims in this case. Growing up, one of my father's friends was a muslim...FROM IRAN. He must have been a psycho, right? Hardly. He was freaking hilarious and an awesome guy. He was muslim in the same sense that I'm catholic...I hardly have a problem with muslims...I have a problem with the extremists...same as I have a problem with christian, jewish, FSMist, etc. extremists.

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Guest KrudKarver

..I'm just glad we live in a country that I don't have to worry about the police knocking down my door because I brought this topic up! I do wonder though why in this country "disrespecting" someone is (seemingly) becoming more of an excuse to prosecute, sue, kill, etc. Just look at "hate crimes". When are we going to serve up more serious criminal penalties when someone gets PO'd at another person who is slightly different and says something disrespectful? I'm not THAT old, but there was a day when my parents made the comment that it takes a bigger man to turn the other cheek..and to do so was the smart thing to do.

If Islam wants to kill someone for naming a toy after their religious point of reference, it does take us back to a time where instinct ruled over intelligence. "You no likee my stick? I KILL YOU!!!":AR15firin

I'd like to believe that as a culture evolves, it relies on its intellect to solve problems.. not just with a club.

I see the US headed down this road as well.. so, I'm not saying the problem is exclusive to any one country/religion.

..now back to snuggling with my new coiler.....

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Why would you think that or why would you think that anyone else would think that?

...you have heard all of the anti-iranian sentiments floating around these days, right?

Not that I think so, but I have heard plenty of bad things about iranians in the past months. Part of living where I do is that you hear all kinds of racism and xenophobia...and with all the BS I hear on the news at work, I can see where it comes from...the blatant lies that float around on the 'tube...

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I'm calling them *******s and ****ers because they are calling for the death of a teacher who allowed her students to name a teddy bear Mohammed. If there are Thais in thailand calling for that man's death, then they are *******s and ****ers as well. Not thais as a society, just the ones that are being *******s and ****ers. Same goes for the muslims in this case. Growing up, one of my father's friends was a muslim...FROM IRAN. He must have been a psycho, right? Hardly. He was freaking hilarious and an awesome guy. He was muslim in the same sense that I'm catholic...I hardly have a problem with muslims...I have a problem with the extremists...same as I have a problem with christian, jewish, FSMist, etc. extremists.

well put +1:biggthump

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