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PDX or hood meetup?


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Deep and light (over 40" this week) a bit scary wondering what you might hit. Great day, wish you could have been there Jim, they did not open Shooting Star until 12:30. Got a couple more untracked there too!! Good first day!!!

Flat light so the photos are a bit hard to see. Post some later.

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A few photos from Friday. Keep in mind, up until this past week we had 14" of base (lowest opening ever) and two put-put chairs running. 40" later they open the MHM Express and (Late) Shooting Star Express (around 12:40PM).

So it was and "LOOKS GOOD POW, knowing it is fairly deep, light dry snow over stumps, rocks and ground cover (brush, grass and the like). RE: Scary time/ pow fever.

With that said, I was thrilled to get some good pow turns in. :biggthump

Photos help you to gauge what the base and terrain conditions are. This posted photo is from the MHM Express chair of the area between Jacob's Ladder and the "Face" of Blue. It is pretty representative of the conditions overall. Better than I expected really.

Jim has going to have a SIC update from todays monster storm. I just couldn't get er done. Now facing a week of rain and high winds on the mountian. Today (Sunday) was the day to be there. We will just have to wait for Jim or ? to tell us what we missed :nono::barf:


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MHM update form 12-2 sunday. Made to base area at 830am after very little sleep and parked 8 rows back . Was in line for opening of MHE but it had a large crowd. 12" new with high winds so the snow drifted and wind blown not that we arent used to that in the pnw. It snowed hard all day at 1"/hr rates so tracks filled in fast. The place to be was shooting star were it was excellent pow for many run if you know were to ride. Definately got a good workout in as my legs are sore today (nice burn). Most of the sunday riders seemed to disappear at 11am due to the stormy conditions. Rode 2 hours at that time basically lapping Shooting Star every 10-15minutes and it was windy/snowing enough to fill in every run. Was thoughly enjoying riding the Tanker 192 as they are so fun in these conditions :biggthump

However it would have been nice to ride with friends but there will be plenty of time for that coming up ... Next mon-tues looks very promising on the current nws reports...


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Partly sunny, 4" of new in past 48 hours groomed in made for some pretty decent conditions. Not full on winter carve shape by any means, but good enough that I brought out a Tinkler for the day. Photos of the day.

Best runs, suggested order.

North Canyon warm up or head straight to SS

SS Ridge was the best grooming/ safe conditions I found. (caution crossing from the top of the chair lift. Stay higher to avoid rocks kicked up by groomers.)

Ride the Ridge until others start showing up or you have tracked it out.

Head to Vista and work a few different versions of laps there, be sure to take advantage of the super nice groomers under old Red (Easy Rider) , won't be long before it is all cobbled up with "Features", so enjoy it now!!

Daisy and Daisy Bowl both provide good alternative routes also.

First photo is from the parking lot first thing this am

Second photo is of the grooming at SS Ridge.

Have fun!!!



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Damn, I've never seen SS look that nice. I gotta get my lazy friends to take off earlier.

Going to bust out my new toys saturday....madd 170 and new bindings. I'm having a hard time waiting.

Anyone know what the factory edge tune (or a good one) on the madds is?

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Wow, Bryan! Great photos! Thanks for the update. Love the "suggested order." We're stoked to hear that you broke out the big guns.

The Hood crew has it good right now!

And to think that is only half the width groomed!!!

It is not steep but it is sure wide and carve friendly.

On the SO/ shh! I don't tell everyone these things, just close friends:nono: , oh and ALL OF BOL!!

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Thanks for the update. Hopefully conditions will hold out for monday! Looks like you had a nice day !!!!


Hey Jim, it was better than I expected really. I was concerned in the morning about bringing out the boards I really prefer to ride. It was well warranted, however, I did make it safely through the day.

Mike H. caught me on my second run at SS and we rode till noon together.

I was the only person on alpine gear that I saw all day. :nono:

Mikes boots were still at the front door, I hate that when that happens. :freak3:

Check List:


Board with Bindings

Pass/ Cash/ CC

Jacket, pants, helmet, gloves.

Snow Park Permit

You get the idea, it is early season and easy to miss something.

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Damn, I've never seen SS look that nice. I gotta get my lazy friends to take off earlier.

Going to bust out my new toys saturday....madd 170 and new bindings. I'm having a hard time waiting.

Anyone know what the factory edge tune (or a good one) on the madds is?

It had a good surface/condition too! The last pitch was rougher and lots of "whoop-t-dos" that could easily pitch you or get you spun around. They are in the shade and hard to see the depth (especially coming of the hill at 40mph) No time to :sleep:

Have fun, hope you had a great time. The weather looks excellent today.



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Hey Jim, it was better than I expected really. I was concerned in the morning about bringing out the boards I really prefer to ride. It was well warranted, however, I did make it safely through the day.

Mike H. caught me on my second run at SS and we rode till noon together.

I was the only person on alpine gear that I saw all day. :nono:

Mikes boots were still at the front door, I hate that when that happens. :freak3:

Check List:


Board with Bindings

Pass/ Cash/ CC

Jacket, pants, helmet, gloves.

Snow Park Permit

You get the idea, it is early season and easy to miss something.

Yep boots are pretty hard to improvise a solution for .... done the hats/gloves/coat/pass things before... :(


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Sorry, meant to post a ride report, but I've been bogged down with the econ paper I put off to hit meadows.

Saturday was great. Moderately crowded/windblown/sketchy on Mt. Hood Express and Cascade, but Shooting Star was perfect. The ridge stayed pretty well-groomed most of the day, and the run that normally holds the terrain park was a nice, long groomer. Great weather; should have brought a camera.

I'm loving my new Madd 170. Haven't done any hip-sliding or body-dragging yet, but I think that's my fear of commitment. Digs great trenches, and the soft nose and tail make it easier than I expected to skid around and/or grab air when I need to. Anyone know what vintage it might be? It doesn't have any graphics, just a green clearcoat over the wood, and red sidewalls.

With luck, I'll be headed up Thursday. Let me know if you want to meet up.

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Post a photo of the board.

Sounds like you had a good time!

Glad to see Cascade open. Should help spead folks out nicely.


With them being so small these days, I wonder why so few contribute photos on BOL? Seems like a natural to me.

OREGON KICKER CHECKS??? Ya baby, lets see some videos with those new cameras guys?

Save the body draggin for ideal conditions. Nothin like hip smearing into some good old volcanic rock dude!! One reason you youngins end up with short seasons more than us cranky old guys:nono: :eplus2::biggthump

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Conditions are holding up pretty good, chalky surface, good grip till mid day, then it did start to get scraped off a bit. Cloudy and flat light in early am. Cleared and brilliant sun for late morning. Jim has all the good photos on his camera. Mine currently sucks. Time for a new camera. Great day Jim! Watch those compression dips at speed :nono::eplus2::biggthump Bryan

PS, stay away from "Last Chance" cut a cross, and the route back from HRM to MH Express is pretty tricky. SS Ridge (shown below) and Vista runs remain the best bet. Cascade and HRM are both open. HRM was pretty good except the last pitch (as expected) but worth a go.



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