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Cypress Diaries, 2007-08


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The Monday report (dec 24th)

Woke up early , hit the lot by 0820hrs to a mix of mainly sunny with a few clouds, minus 3 warming to about minus 1 at 1200hrs. No wind.

Man did I ever miscalc on the snow report, expected nice soft powderoy, got some very firm frozen cord with lots of little death cookie crumble and the odd death cookie on the groomers, (in retrospect it made sense wet snow meet minus temps=freeze) the old black 4x4 either needs a little TLC on the edges ( most likely) or Dave* has forgotten how to kick it "east coast" style, the first few laps were used to reacclimatize to the firm stuff, was starting to get the ice legs back by quitting time, but I tell you the high speed wipe out and resultant slide on the frozen cord was moderately unpleasant ( my left elbow is a bit unhappy with me), off piste was a bit crusty on the untouched, the frozen up sludge of yesterday a bit noxious but doable.

Very few people in early morning, by 0930 a noticeable influx of people, 1030 even more and so on. By the time I decided to quit at noonish the ticket shack had the biggest line up I have ever seen and the parking lots were a gong show (even the C-bowl ones)

I have to work 1900 to 0715 tonight so tenuous as to riding tomorrow after witnessing the midday gong show.

HB count = 1 (me) although Joey the lifty said he spotted three others

Hummer count = 2 ( the car, get your minds out of the gutter)

hitchhiking lifties given ride count =2 ( gotta build up the karma points)

Merry frickin Ho Ho

Dave* the Xmas Grinch who is about to make the big bucks tonight!!!! gotta love the superstats.!

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Hardbooters count today: Roy, Pierre, Boris and a unknown guy on plates and freeride board. Ron, the softboot carver was spoted, too.

20cm fresh last afternoon with cold temperatures overnight made me uncertain of what I will find at the mountain - pow or all groomed and frozen? So, 4807 and Oxygen, both, made the trip... As usual, it turned out that a 4WD or Tanker would have been the best tools for the job.

Roy and I started by chasing some pow on Dynastars. First run down the Rainbow proved to be not so deep and not too tracked either. It was Roy's first go on a black run and he handled it pretty well. Next was the Horizon and shortcut to Eagle chair, then quick ride to new Raven chair into new steep terrain. Well, now we were in business - lots of pow there, but already tracked up. One could easily hit the bumps, even some ice, from previous days, through it. For the first time I craved for angles lower then 40 on my rare foot. Effects of riding softies for few days?

Changed my mind about that run under Raven chair - it is a propper black. Just, the rollers make it feel less steep when riding.

Drainline across that run is still plain nasty. I guess they'll do something about it only after someone broke the tip, leg or accidentally cought 30+ feet of air...

Quite soon, we retired to good old Eagle high speed, riding mostly the Fork. There we found Pierre on his Swoard. I foolishly decided that surface was hard enough for race board and went back to board racks to swap 4807 for KR72. That inspired Roy to switch to his AM board. Well it kinda worked, but every now and again I stuffed the nose or just hit softer stuff mid-carve and washed away. Pierre's wide and soft Swoard seemed to handle mushy snow with ease, indespite of the small nose.

I still don't feel quite right - blocked nose and burning lungs... A brake tomorrow, will ride again on Friday. More fluffy stuff on forcast...

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Almost epic day... Well at least epic lift lines after 11:30...

About a foot of fresh and some dumping during the day still made for great fun. Dave reported lots of fluffy stuff in the woods, I found some tracked/bumped up on the steeps.

I rode 4807 in the morning, catching some freshies down steeps, Rainbow and unter zie lift - found some but did some spectacular crashes too. Rode some bumps down Bowen and Ripcord (Sky chair is finaly open).

In the late morning Tanker came to play, blasting through chop like nothing. It always amazes me how the beast can carve even in non-carving conditions...

Dave played mostly in the trees and had big smile every time he joined Roy and me for chair ride.

Roy braved the Rainbow like an experienced rider. However he had some issues with bindings and kept thinkering with cants and angles.

Arthur was on softies, but rode the 3800 163 instead of his regular softy board and was impressed. We'll get him on hard boots again when the contitions are hard packed.

Dave geared up one of the new guys in snow school with some h/boots, guy already had an Ultrsa Prime. I'll bring a set of spare gear for another wana-try instructor buddy.

My next ride/teach day will be Sunaday.


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Dec 29 report

minus 3c ish, about 5 cms fresh off piste, a fair bit of soft pack powderoy,

Early am was high cloud cover, mid morning the low lying clouds arrived creating some foggy sections top third of laps, by 1145 the crowds arrived as well as snow and a drop in altitude of the fog, so pin pulled on the day.

Dave* will be happy when the silly season is over.

Bumped into Boyd , new hardbooter sporting some new used burton freecarve gear, says he rides cypress a fair bit and bought some Dynastars off some guy last year ( ?Boris?) , The HB ranks are growing at Cypress.

Finally broke out the 2008 prior 177 WCR spoon tail ( non titanal) , fun deck , rides like a very high strung 4x4 with the spoon tail and 11 ish meter cut and whatever Chris did to the shape over previous generations, tons of grip , quite forgiving to my mistakes, lots of "pop" out of turns , off piste quite capable with the spoon tail although the few pockets of foot deep stuff I hit were torpedoed thru with my fat carcass on top,

Monoskier count=1

HB count = 2 ( including myself)

"whats it like on the 'speed board?' " count=4

80s Onepiece Count=7

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Hey Dave, the 80' one piece turqoise suite guy is actually Scott, instructor who wanted to try plates. I brought the Stuf 164 BXer with plates for him today and he did just fine. Came down Collins and later the Horizon without crashes and leaving some clean arcs. Not carving the full C shapes, though. I left the board with him to play more over next few days.

Saw your monster trenches in powderoy even before I spoted your bright helmet on the next run dow Rainbow. I cheared from the chairlift, somewhat with admiration for your low riding, and somewhat of envy that I was stuck to softies all day long.

As for me, I slashed the bumps on Bowen for few runs and tried carving hard down Rainbow. Blew out on every 2-3 heel side. Hard loading of nose gives me some nice arcs, but I seem to be on the edge of nose fold and my leading ancle wants to burst. When I ride it of the tail I can not finish my heel side to perpendicular to fall line - nose bounces down too much. However, I've got my toe side diled in ok - can kiss the snow already.

Mad crowds from 11:30 on... Some clear skies too. Snow to die for.

My next teaching/riding will be on Jan the 1st.

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Dec 31 report

Minus 3-4c ish, no new, cloud cover.

Some serious hero corduroy on the patches that got buffed, it was finally firm enough to hammer into at 100% with out fear of reprisals from the snow.

The only problem is they forgot to buff up rainbow.

Off piste remains soft pack in the trees with the odd little pocket of untouched ( was on the 77 wcr so that wasnt my primary concern)

Favorite lap of the day, sunrise chair, hook around light pole, over the roller jump, left thru trees just before going over top of bowen, straight down to top of midway chair(still closed) for the money shot, (? lower bowen beside midway ?) buffed to perfection and not a track on it other than mine pretty much all morning, did I mentioned the cord has firmed up and butter smooth.

Atrocious lift lines by 1200hrs, cant wait till the silly season be gone, so quitting time, legs burned out anyways.

Riding tomorrow early, expecting minimal people on hill tilll at least 1300, may their heads all hurt,

HB count =1 (me)

Jibbers trying to throw down eurocarve count=1 ( asian kid showing promise)

Serious inquiries RE HBs =1

Cypress snowboard Instructors Kitted for HB=2 Geoffry good to go now Boris

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Snow to die for! 2 days without fresh, nothing frozen but packed to the borderline of very hard. Almost decent grooming job on the Rainbow.

Dave on 4WD 179, me on WCR 181 and a new guy Steve on an old long skinny Nitro. Poor dude was so extatic to run into two of us, just to end up with his ankle twisted and taken down the slope in the sled... His old binding twisted the disk in a crash. Ouch. Later Roy told me that he was still able to drive away in his car - maybe it wasn't so bad...

This was my first day of REAL carving this year, where everything fell in the place, right snow, right board, right groove. WCR 181 handled with ease and authority, super edge hold, easy to ride, right pop. I just forgot how much I loved this board. I even managed to stick in couple of half decent ECs on heel side down the steeps. Toe side was never a problem, anyhow.

I liked the suspention kit under my TD2s a lot, too.

I had my helmet cam on. Don't know yet if anything worked out, batteries seemed frozen. I rode behind Dave, just skidding my turns trying to focus nicely on him for half run. Then I said what a hell, and started carving hard following his track, almost eating his spray. I was surprised how easy it actually was to still focus on him. It's gona be a wild video if it worked...

Happy New Year!

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Jan 02 2008 report

Zero to plus 1 c, about 10-15cms of wet cypress cement, visibility =10-20 feet due to heavy fog about a 9/10 on the fogometer, while riding lift unable to see lift ahead of you, I was getting vertigo on the chair.

Lots of fun in the steeper trees, a real pain once out as couldnt see where going or which way up so lots of low speed flopovers.

Crowds not an issue today.

Rode till 1200 hrs at which time I had enough.

Tree count= lots

Everything else count= 0 ( couldnt see to count)

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The Jan 05 th update.

Once again the fog is in , ranging from a 4/10 to a 7/10 on the fogometer depending on the section of hill.

Very windy prob average of 40 k with what felt like gusting up to 60k while on chair.

Temp felt like around zero celcius

Approx 5-8 cms of coarse granular ( just like table sugar ) snow or frozen rain on top of a 10 cms thick frozen crust from the other day,

If you were arboreal or semi arboreal a good morning to be had with lots of "freshies" on the "sugar" snow, just had to be carefull not to break thru the crust and skip the wind blown patches, wind was going hard enough to fill in tracks after 2 laps in sections BTW.

Did a few laps with a jibber kid who was talking it up on the chair, surprised the hell out of him with ability to poke around in the tight trees on HBs and a 171 directional ( I didnt tell him my 71 ATV is a shortish board for me ) , kids nowadays dont they know age and treachery wille trounce youth and exuberance every time.

Not a single pisted run hit today due to the visibility issues.

Monoskier Count=1 ( this guy is on hill as often as me)

BlueB count=0

Police with M16 at port arms=1 ( just before lions gate bridge at 1315hrs today, some sort of WTF must have been going on)

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Better add BlueBs = 1 ;)

I spent the day getting lost on the groomers, that's why you didn't see me...

Almost fell into the superpipe at one wrong turn...

Nasty winds on the Black Mountain side - almost enough to stop you from going downhill. A bit better on Mt Stratchen.

Tried the Alp 169 that I've got from Roy. Considering it didn't have any fresh wax or edge tune, it rode pretty well. While I struggled to hook up with my initial very flat angles, after I turned front foot another 5deg up it all fell in place.

Very fun board for flatter runs - it let me lay it over way beyond what seems reasonable on a green run. On steeper stuff it worked better with cross-over as oposed to my usual cross-under or thru. Probably due to springy tail?

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Hm, no chiming in by my arboreal friend...

Well, we spoted each other for a brief moment - Dave on his way up for another run into the forest, me already charging down the steeps to bomb the moguls...

Low visibility, windy, TONS of new snow dumping right thru previous night and thru the day. Lots of fresh tracks could be found thru the morning and later some sweet soft bumps. My legs are shot now.

Rode the 3800 with softies (teaching day). Flattened my front angle to lower 20'. It aleviated some of the my front ankle pain problem, but mu heel side turn suffered further... However, those flat angles felt pretty good in bumps.

Had a top strap failure on the rear binding, so I rode in 2-starp mode in the morning. A bit of suptle repairs (hammer) and 3rd strap was operational again for the afternoon.

6 level 2 students group I had was quite even-skilled, except for one girl. Low visibility made teaching quite hard, so I had to keep them moving, rather then sitting around waiting to be hit...

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The Monday , Jan 07 2008 report

Started my morning with a bit of CF factor, arrived in parking lot at 0815 hrs to discover they had reverted back to non holiday hours (0900) but was able to load on the lions (old sunrise) at 0845 so not all bad.

About minus 2 c, 10-15 cms of new snow, a bit foggy in the morning ranging from a 3/10 to a 6/10 on the fogometer, clearing by 1145ish to the the odd attempt at sunshine.

Lots of tree laps in the morning including a few pokes into some as of yet unhit sections on eagle chair side, fresh lines out the wazzoo in the trees and still lots left for tomorrow. Some laps of powderoy done after lunch , very soft got chewed up quick once people could see on it, got a good chuckle while on eagle chair watching skier not paying attention and falling into one of my ruts, not a crash but close to it.

Very few people on hill today, I guess the kids are back in school and parents at work.

Monoskiers count =0

Other Hbers =0


PS; yesterday also very good with a healthy coating of the good stuff,

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The tuesday Jan 08 08 report

Minus 2 c, approx 15 to 20cms new , light to moderate wind prob 20kmh average, consistent fog at a 3/10 to 4/10 thru the day then thickening to a 6/10 by 1500 hrs.

Silly season is over and done with so hill deserted yet again, many many fresh lines to be had and I even left a few in the trees for whoever gets there tomorow, didnt even look at any groomed today. A stellar day in general, The 171 ATV got the nod yet again.

No updates from me till saturday, gotta pretend I have a job for a few days.

Cypress days count=19

Whistler days count =1

Squirrels chased count=1 ( they move pretty quick even in powder )

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I had to work at snow school today as I won't make it on sunday. Few primary and middle schools invaded the hill...

Don't quite know how Dave's fogometer worked, but reading would have been pretty high, except for about 1-2 hours around lunch, when it completely cleared, just to fog up again.

Pretty warm, no wind. Light rain started at about 4:30pm. :(

45cm of fresh overnight was, ahhm, optimistic... There was maybe 20-30cm of fresh cement... One could emulate pow turns to some degree in the morning. It became almost carvable (on 4807) later when it compacted a bit.

I did one spectacular fall on the steeps, digging in a bit just after transition to heel, but already extended downhill, got airborn, landed on my helmet, bounced of and stopped just before the lift pillar. Felt completely ok then, now I feel it a bit in my lower back...

4807 caused a lot of comments, as usual.

If no rain, I'll ride in the morning again.

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H/booters=3. Dave on ATV, Roy on Oxygen FR, me on Tanker.

Ligtly snowing, variable fogometer, quite warm... Completely ungroomed resort!?! on Sat morning was pure disgrace. Only 3 green runs were naturalu compacted by skidding masses... Dave and I crused and brused on some blues and decided it wasn't fun at all in low visibility. Dave called it the day very early, Roy & myself carried on on greens until lunch. We worked on Roy's technique and acheived very visible progress. I felt good working on my technique too - flatter runs make me go back to basics and concentrate more on angulation, timing and pump in order to carve deaper.

I did final run thru the bunny hill to entertain the kids a bit...

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Jan 15 2008 report

First off lets start with yesterday, woke up looked at report ( plus 3 raining with high winds) went back to bed.

Today different story

Bluebird skies, report said minus 11 c at 0700 hrs , felt like about minus 6 c at 0845hrs warming to about minus 3 c at warmest, no wind

Corduroy was very firm and not to many holes, groomer wales, or other funky stuff ( apparently temps dropped below zero c around 1600 hrs yest and it got solid so groomers had good pack to work with), if you could set an edge you could have a ton of fun and this was the first time in about 2-3 weeks I could see where going. If this weather pattern holds tomorrows cord should be even better for carving, I sadly have to work.

Off piste was a bit furball, on the cut runs non groomed it was frozen mashed potatoes with ice lumps, true off piste was frozen windpack with a 1cm layer of windpack powder that liked to shear off in mini slabs.

Ran a few laps in the afternoon with Geoff the instructor kid who is learning the HB ropes on his ultra prime, got to see a couple good wobble/plant/slides.... "Now remember kids dont break/bend in at the waist it unweights the edge and will drop you on your head".....

Downed Trees = 5 new ( the wind must have been going pretty good yest)

Hot Chicks = 10 + ( they seem to like sunshine and come out in packs)

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The saturday jan 19/2008 report

After a stressfull and frustrating few days at work I guess I deserved to sleep in so didnt hit the hill till 1230 ish.

Approx minus 2 c, calm winds , what appeared to be the morning fog was burning off to a mix of sun and cloud, lots of people had chewed up the groomers before I got to them so more than a few lumps, humps, and scrapie patches, carveable if tipped up on edge and plowed thru ( did I mention the 10-12cms of new that was on top that got pushed into said lumps n humps)

Off piste interesting, the same 10-12cms of new on top of a slippery frozen crust, okay if at speed and floating, not so good if speed checking and bottoming out, the classic dust on crust scenario, .

Tomorrow should have some excellent groomers with the fresh stuff mulched into the existing hardpack, that is assuming temps stay below 0c and no new tonight.

All chairs including midway and sky chair running today, apparently Cypress management has pulled their heads out of their posterior orofices.

The days count

Roving bands of hot chicks=1 ( it was only partially sunny out)

Me taken out by 5 yr old kid off chair lift=1 ( next time I just run em over)

Hours rode=4

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The Jan 20 2008 report

I am sure BlueB will chime in with his teaching day report but here is what the people having a ton of fun had to deal with

Minus 4 to minus 2c, bluebird the entire day, occaisonal wind gusts more prevalant on the eagle chair side, no fresh over night so the groomers were able to do a very nice job, buttery smooth , grippy hardpack, cord was perfect so didnt even venture off piste today, cord was till very good by 1530hrs, legs could take no more.

The only downside to the day was the lift lines, I have never seen Cypress so busy, so forced over to midway chair by noonish to take the vertical in 600 ft pieces. Probably should have taken up one of the WCRs/FPs today but the ATV performed admirably and I was too lazy to walk to the truck for the 4x4.

The days count

work people bumped into=3

heads turned on the chairlifts=100s

Kms of Cypress Bowl road with cars parked on =2.5

hummers spotted =1

Overweight students wrestled by BlueB=2 (now I remember why I stopped teaching)


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Just a small chime in ;) Great having few runs with you guys.

Dave forgot to mention that we might have another h/boot convertee - little instructoress from my school want's to give it a go. Don't know if she got so impressed by Dave's, Pierre's and my ripping today, or riding with me on softies still leaving monster trenches a week ago on soft pack... Just great, that would be 4 instructors riding h/boots from time to time.

Dave already described my teaching antics. I guess I was lucky that a cry-baby 12 year 200lbs girl gave up as soon as she felt some pressure from boots, right at the beggining of her lesson.

In the morning I was dying to hit the fresh cord. However, S/b suppervisor decided it was time for instructors' development session, so I had to stick to s/b and practice some spins... A bit of carving i did in between felt great on toe side. However, I sucked big time on heel side - I can badly overpower the nose of 3800 even with 3/strap softies. I kinda forget I'm not on alpine and jump on the nose with rotation and hip drop in. Have to learn to sit on toilet properly...

Majority of my instructing coleggues were baffled by the size of WCR resting in front of the hut, waiting for it's turn :)

Later in the day I switched to plates and hooked up with Pierre and Dave for few runs. Great stuff indespite of horrible lineups.

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The monday Jan 21 2008 report

Just like yesterday but minus about 7000 people( literally) and with better corduroy, tonight and tomorrow night should still be very good for you night timers,

The "bad" part two of the girls from work took me up on promise for a lesson that I made months ago, and who can say no to a pretty face. So the ATV made the cut for board choice.

Still quite fun, alternated laps with them, taught one and let the other lap etc, got the one who much like Zoolander could only turn left to be able to tackle blue groomers after 2.5 hours , she still needs a bit of work on that whole fear of speed thing...... the other one who said she had ridden a bit turned out to be a bit of a maniac, no fear of speed there, she could hang with me on rainbow by straightlining while I carved, worked on her to the point she could do the odd carved toeside on hardpack ( apparently self taught and did not know the difference between a carve vs a slide) after a the few hours a much more controlled and safer rider, although she did pick up some extra speed after my tips..okay maybe safer,,she has also retracted her statement that "hardpack is no fun",,,. That one might be a potential future HBer.

Off topic side note

* quite interesting how many of the pipe monkeys heads snap around and fingers point when cranking low turns past the superpipe.*

Turned my self loose and let it rip in the early aft, followed by beer n nacho's compliments of the ladies.

Tomorrow I think one of the big boy boards will come to play, havent been on the 185 WCR yet this season.......

The counts

lifts running=6

jealous jibbers with XY chromasomes =50

Row of vehicle parking = 1


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Jan 22 2008 report

Another stellar day of carving , minus a few degrees C, calm winds , bluebird,corduroy to die for ( a few scrapy patches in the narrower high traffic zones, upper PGS esp, all the jibbers in the pipe qualifiers bombing it ),

Broke out the 185 factory prime for the AM to about 1130, then broke out the 177 WCR for the afternoon till quitting time at 1445hrs. The old FP with race plates is way more forgiving of mistakes than the 177 WCR with TD2s and a susp kit, how much is board and how much is binding related I am not sure, next week will move race plates to the WCR and see.

Did a little 30 min teaching session just for fun, am finding the CASI kind of handy lately.

Bumped into instructor Geoff on his Ultra Prime and did about 10-12 laps of midway with him, his HB riding is progressing at a rapid rate with noticeable improvement after a few corrections/critiques today.

Another lifty from midway chair now wants to have a go on HBs after watching the days performance, and according to Geoff whatever we were up to on Rainbow sunday morning was creating a bit of buzz on the chair lift.

Need to start renting out advertising space and look like a NASCAR.

As to riding tonight I am 50/50 legs are a bit scorched, snow should still be great for you two hooligans (BlueB/Roy), lets put it this way the left hip on my pants is wafer thin after today.

Working tomorrow so no updates for a few days.

The days counts

Digits got=1 ( no I did not use my CASI powers for good )

Radar traps between Cypress works yard and LionsGate=3

Lunchbreaks taken=0

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I got ballistic! It exhausted me so much that I needed oxygen to recover...

Roy landed me his Elan Ballistic 163 SL carbon stick, wow! Handfull board. It wants to turn like crazy and has to be pushed a lot (big camber). Revards are huge - snappy ride, gargantuan edge hold, rebound. Way way better then my old Nidecker SL for instance. It still can rail somwhat bigger turns when you feed it in gradual manner. It reminds me a bit of my Hornet, but with less crazy initiation and better hold towards the end of the turn.

So I said, it's not a board I can ride whole evening, 200 turns per run is a bit much, so i had to switch to an Oxygen FR 167 (actually an Airwalk Force 167, but exactelly the same thing). Now, that was relaxing. It has surprisingly good ice grip for a soft board, but not on steep ice. However, it would readilly EC on steep, but with somewhat sheaky edge hold.

My fromt binding somehow worked itself loose, luckily I noticed just before the run where it would have broken of...

It was great being on a short boards again - it reminded me very quickly of balanced, centered riding and propper technique. No luxury of mile-wide sweet spot of WCR or permanat nose load I sometimes apply...

We worked on Roy's technique quite a bit a he's doing good progress. We are already onto dynamic carving, cross-over for now. It seems that concentrating on new things throws him out a bit re. old flaws, but we'll sort it out.

We met another carver from Germany, temporarily in Van on contract. He was pleasantly surprised to see us, too.

Overall conditions: Sugger on Ice, not too cold, no crowds. Great fun. Toasted legs.

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The past four days update ( I got lazy with the puter)

Jan 26 2008- 10 cm new on hard pack

jan 27 2008 - no new , nice powderoy, some raven groomeed

jan 28 2008- no new, corduroy to die for, some raven groomed

jan 29 2008-( today) , holy @#$% that storm puked down , approx 30-45 cms of new, tons of fresh lines , no line ups at the lifts, explored some new areas, lots of new big time blowdown over moons area after that last windstorm a week or so ago. Raven very good , finding some new tree lines in between the runs, as the snow goes up the conifers get further apart, tight but doable.

Working tomorrow , more snow expected, those that can make it enjoy, it should be very good.

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