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Freecarve vs. Race


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Are the nose and tail different on Donek Freecarve and Race boards?

Are the nose and tail different on Coiler Freecarve, Racecarve, and Pure Race boards?

Or is the difference just in the usual published specs like width & sidecut & stiffness?

New board coming soon... already pondering next board...

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I had this conversation with Bruce when I ordered my last Coiler, and as far as I know, the only differences are in the published specs. The usual suspects are taper, flex and sidecut. Also, with the Coiler boards, there are things like WCC and 'Superboard' to decide on.

With any luck, you'll attract Bruce and Sean to this thread and know for sure.

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I can't speak with any true authority here, but as the owner of a Donek Freecarve I'd be surprised if the tip/tail were different from a Donek Race. The length and rise of the tip and tail of the Freecarve appear to be like any conventional race board.

IOW, the Donek Freecarve is <b>not</b> like an "all-mountain" board in this regard.

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Guest Randy S.

At least on visual inspection, Donek Freecarve and Race boards are the same tip/tail. I have a 171 FC1, 210 SG and had a 182 GS. All had the same looking tip and tail.

Why do you ask?

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Guest Todd Stewart

go for the pure race, why settle for second best. It would be like a car dealership asking you if you wanted 400 or 500 hp in your car, both for the same price.

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Originally posted by Todd Stewart

go for the pure race, why settle for second best. It would be like a car dealership asking you if you wanted 400 or 500 hp in your car, both for the same price.

Well, not exactly - at least with Coiler boards anyway. Both the Freecarve and the Pure Race go through the exact same production process and have identical options.

As far as the templates go, take the 184 Freecarve and Pure Race. The difference is 4mm of taper with almost identical sidecut (the PRII has a sidecut 1m larger). Certainly I hope you would agree that 4mm of taper is not like a shortfall of 100hp in a car? It's more like preferring one brand of proven tires over another. I understand that your analogy wasn't meant to be an exact comparison, but the Freecarve/Pure Race distinction, for boards of the same length, is a subtle one based more on preference than performance. The most important consideration would likely be in the flex, but that is more suited to the rider than the template.

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Thanks for the input, everyone.

Why do I ask?

For the longest time I've been hesitant to buy a 'real' carving board, mostly because I spend a fair amount of time off piste (where I want a freeride nose) and/or going backwards (where I want a bigger tail).

But, now that I've got one go-everywhere board and a second one coming, I figure it's time to try something less versatile and more specialized. That got me wondering about what my options are, and what the difference is between freecarve boards and race boards.

When Bruce and I were talking about flex he said I wanted something quite a bit stiffer than the usual FC/AM board. What I got was stiff enough, but only just stiff enough... so the one that's coming will be a little stiffer.

Anyway, putting all of this together, it seems I should be looking at 'racing' boards rather than 'carving' boards for my next toy. That's basically what I wanted to know.

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Guest JohnSch

why exactly do you want to go with a really stiff board? Depending on your snow conditions and preferences, that may in fact be the right answer for you, but bear in mind that race boards may have a softer flex than fc boards to work better on ice.

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I just really like the way a stiff board feels under my feet. Mostly I like the way it feels in moguls - if I get a little off balance I can lean on the board to get upright, I don't have the nose bending up and sucking into the troughs between bumps, stuff like that.

Carving performance is secondary to me... I have tried carving on a board that was too soft (Arbor slalom board) and I hated it, so I know I want to avoid that... but I have never tried a board that was too stiff. Though, admittedly, I haven't tried a very wide variety of boards.

Can Randy or anyone else with race and FC boards from the same builder comment on which are stiffer? I got the impression that FC boards were softer but now that JohnSch brings it up, I'm wondering if that's really the case.

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The <a href="http://www.donek.com/specs.htm">Donek specs page</a> shows that the flex of the Freecarve boards is fairly similar to equivalent-sized race boards, and sometimes stiffer.

Unless there's something different in the flex pattern, the Donek Freecarves just seem to be race boards but with a smaller sidecut for their length. Kinda the opposite of the boards described in <a href="http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1826">kjl's thread about short boards with long sidecuts</a>.

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Originally posted by NateW

Can Randy or anyone else with race and FC boards from the same builder comment on which are stiffer? I got the impression that FC boards were softer but now that JohnSch brings it up, I'm wondering if that's really the case.

As a (very) general rule, between Coiler Race and Coiler FC boards of the same length, the FC will be stiffer.

At the SES, most of the Coiler owners got together at one time or another and compared board recipes. All week long I was saying "How much do you weigh?" then "Give us a look at your board" Now most people had an idea already of how stiff they wanted their ride to be, and mentioned that they asked for it to be more stiff than what their weight predicted the board should be. I think that there is a positive correlation between snow quality and board stiffness. If I lived near Buttermilk, you can bet that I would have a special 'Buttermilk board' and that it would be quite stiff. Of course, at Buttermilk, you can lay down carves on a lunch tray it's so good.

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