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Carving in the summer

Guest StonedRider

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Guest StonedRider

After many attempts, I have finally come up with a longboard skateboard that perfectly emulates carving on snow/powder. I took an old early 90's Kemper and mounted it onto some Revenge skate trucks. The trucks are designed to only swivel horizontally instead of pivet like normal skate trucks. This dramatically decreases the turning radius. When I'm throwing the board around, it's the exact same feeling of riding pow aggresively. The best part is the wheels give enough for me to make the exact same cuts I could on a snowboard, the only difference is I'm not going as fast(it's asphault instead of snow after all). I'll have some pics and possibly a video soon... you guys really gotta see this, it's amazing! Anyone else longboard to pass the time until the winter season?

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Have you checked under the bong table? Or maybe that stinky pocket of your backpack? I know! Already attached to the back of your pc hanging down?

Seriously, I have a rig like that too, a landsailer made out of an old kemper with a ski spine for added stiffnes.. It rides nice but a high speeds it gets god-awful death wobbles...Great stable fun at lower speeds for anybody who thinks that can't skate anymore. My wife even likes to ride it.

livboard (WinCE).bmp

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Have you checked under the bong table? Or maybe that stinky pocket of your backpack? I know! Already attached to the back of your pc hanging down?

Seriously, I have a rig like that too, a landsailer made out of an old kemper with a ski spine for added stiffnes.. It rides nice but a high speeds it gets god-awful death wobbles...Great stable fun at lower speeds for anybody who thinks that can't skate anymore. My wife even likes to ride it.

cute pic of Liv, Homer.

You should get a real longboard and come skate with us.



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great thread rick !

I really don't have a man crush on Laird, just thought those pics reflected proper body position on any board.

Looks like cmc has a man crush on Gilmour. :lol:

Hope to see ya at Antrim. :biggthump

that Alva really brings back some great memories !



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I want to ask you one question...how could Laird Hamilton and Kelly Slater

endorse longboard skateboards that do not match their talent?



I don't get it....


Wayne Gallipoli

Surf-Rodz, LLC



Product Preview_


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As far as Carver skate trucks, i think those guys are doing a great job... and I can relate to all their years of prototyping.

At least Carver, Original and Revenge longboard trucks are pushing the market into looking at new ideas about skateboard truck design....then there's Kitedeck revolution trucks for kiting (pieces of art).

My meaning to the above email was that being Laird is so tall and Kelly so quick in surf style that a DECK length should relate more to their body proportion, relating more to surfing. I don't consider 38"-42" skate decks longboards.

I contacted the Carver guys about 2 years ago and I thought a larger wheel

to wheel width would be a great design....think about mixing an Original S10/250s with a Carver combination on a 72" deck...would be wild.

Anyway, I meant know disrespect to Arbor or Carver.

It's all about marketing anyway..... I think surfing and skateboarding has been over-commercialized for a long time. It seems odd that surfers/skaters like to think of themselves as rebelious. It seems obvious that it is all becoming a very conformist culture. I think that LONGBOARDING IS THE LAST TRUE INDEPENDENT frontier of skating...more independent builders and individuals doing their own thing...riding the street and getting back to real garage operations. 20 years ago skating was all about hanging out, cutting wood and just riding...

Kelly and Laird don't need the cash...so Laird should be endorsing a true independent brand like Surf-Rodz....72" Pro-Teak deck would look good under his feet.lol

SZ will remain a small company mixing up construction, art and design

projects to maintain it's operation...it's an open door shop and anyone is welcome to work with us.

Just wanted to set the record straight....



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